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'Salto ®' rose Nurseries
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—  P  —
Maine-et-Loire, France I,L,V  Pépinières Chastel

Rose (retail) Nursery.  576 plants listed.

1 favorite vote.  

Rose and clematis (retail and mail order) Nursery.  594 plants listed.  2 photos.

—  R  —
Pays De La Loire, France L  Roseraie Bardet Rigaudy

Rose.  261 plants listed.

Bas Rhin, France I,L,P,R,T,V  Roseraies Barth

Rose (retail and wholesale) Nursery.  341 plants listed.  1 photo.

2 favorite votes.  Average rating: EXCELLENT.  

Moscow Region, Russia L,P,V  RUSROZA, Nursery of Roses

Rose, peony and clematis (retail and wholesale) Nursery.  4181 plants listed.  3 photos.  USDA zone 5a.

2 favorite votes.  

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