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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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George Brunning - St. Kilda Nurseries
Abbe Bramerel
(Courtesy 'Plants Listed in Nursery Catalogues in Victoria 1855-1889', Margaret Brookes and Richard Barley, p256)
(1897)  Page(s) 46.  
Hybrid Perpetuals..
Abbe Bramerel. Reddish crimson, shaded with dark velvety purple; large full and of good form, the earliest blooming hybrid perpetual grown.
(1873)  Page(s) 35.  
Hybrid Perpetual Roses
Abbe Girandier  deep rose colour, very large and double; somewhat in the way of Madame Charles Wood; strong grower, very good.
(1897)  Page(s) 57.  
Tea-Scented Roses and Their Hybrids.
Adele de Bellabre  peach colour, shaded with carmine and yellow, reverse of petals rose; large and full, very fine.
(1897)  Page(s) 56.  
Noisette Roses.
AdelIna Viviand Morel  Canary yellow, edged with carmine; a very pretty rose for buds.
(1904)  Page(s) 81.  
Admiral Dewey’ A beautiful light blush-pink sport from ‘Caroline Testout’ a large flower & plant of good constitution.
(1904)  Page(s) 107.  
Three climbing roses. 
Since Crimson Rambler proved itself to be such a generally valuable form of the Japanese Rosa polyantha sarmentosa, three new varieties raised by M.P. Lambert of Treves, have already obtained well-deserved attention.  They bear the names of the three Graces - Aglaia, Euphrosyne and Thalia - and appeared simultaneously. The plants flower on the ripened long shoots of the previous year, exactly as does Crimson Rambler, and in bunches of from 36 to 100 blossoms, which expand slowly in long succession. These varieties are not chance seedlings, but the result of artificially crossing R. polyantha sarmentosa with other varieties, and they differ not so much in habit of growth as in the colour of their small half-opened flowers. Those of Aglaia are light greenish yellow, fairly double, of the size of R. Gloire des polyantha, of a cupped form, and Tea-scented; whilst those of Euphrosyne are clear rose, and in the bud-stage bright, light carmine red. The flowers of Thalia are clear white.
(1904)  Page(s) 115.  
Novelties for 1904.
Aimee Cochet  (HT). Growth vigorous; magnificent pointed bud; blooms very large, full and well formed; colour flesh with a rosy peach centre, of splendid effect. Said by the raiser (Soupert and Notting) to be a first class rose.
(1863)  Page(s) 9.  
N. Aimee Vibert clear white, blooms in clusters.
(1863)  Page(s) 9.  
N. Aime Vibert Crispum pure white in clusters, climbing
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