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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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100 Old Roses For The American Garden (Smith & Hawken)
(Mar 2000)  Page(s) 252.  Includes photo(s).
A much overlooked selection, this Docteur catches both the eye and nose with its unusual deep color and superb perfume when in bloom. 'Souvenir du Docteur Jamain' is equally good as a shrub or trained onto a support as a climber. The bendable canes lend themselves to training onto a pillar or tripod, and you get a more easily contained shrub along with the added benefit of increased bloom. ...
The thin canes of 'Souvenir du Docteur Jamain' will arch out to 8 feet or more, with a nearly equal spread, and when given support they can attain 12 feet. New canes are plum-colored with oval, pointed chartreuse green foliage edged with antique bronze. The smooth gray-green mature canes carry only the occasional small red-green prickle. Round, blood red buds are produced in small clusters and open to fully petaled, ruffled, velvety crimson-to-plum, cupped flowers with bright yellow stamens at their centers. There is an occasional white streak, known as quilling, which tags the velvety texture of the petals. The fragrance is strong and sweet of Cabbage Rose perfume. Rebloom is good in spring and fall, though only intermittent the rest of the season. The foliage is prone to problems such as mildew, so be on the alert if that's a concern in your area.....
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