Ellwanger & Barry's Descriptive Catalogue of Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Roses, Flowering Plants, &c.
(1868) Page(s) 63. Noisette Roses. Price, 60 cents each except otherwise noted. 12 varieties, our choice, $6. Aimee Vibert. Pure white, blooms in large clusters, beautiful, and one of the hardiest of the class.
(1875) Page(s) 78. CLEMATIS. Virgin's Bower. Waldrebe, Ger. Clematite, Fr. The Clematis are elegant, slender branched shrubs, of rapid growth, handsome foliage and beautiful large flowers of all colors. The newer varieties introduced within the last five or six years are great acquisitions. Either in the open ground as pillar plants, bedding plants, single plants in masses or about rock-work, or cultivated in pots or tubs, the Clematis cannot be excelled. We append the following from the English "Gardener." Jackman's Clematises: "They are magnificent; and more than this, they do give us some of the grandest things in the way of creepers the horticultural world has ever seen, making glorious ornaments either for walls, verandahs, or rustic poles or pillars, varying in color from deep rich violet hue to dark velvety maroon, and in the newer seedling forms, beautiful shades of pale bright blue." They will stand the severest Winters if the roots are slightly covered. Class I. Perpetuals, Flowering in the Summer and Autumn, on Summer Shoots. C. Alexandra. (New.) Pale reddish violet. $2.00.
(1868) Page(s) 63. Noisette Roses. Price, 60 cents each except otherwise noted. 12 varieties, our choice, $6. America (Ward). Creamy yellow, with a salmon tinge; a vigorous grower and free bloomer; raised by T. G. Ward, Washington; very fragrant.
(1868) Page(s) 64. China or Bengal Roses. Antheros. Blush, tinged in the centre with rose and yellow.
(1868) Page(s) 65. Tea Roses. D'Antherose. Light rose, with buff centre; free bloomer.
(1868) Page(s) 63. Noisette Roses. Price, 60 cents each except otherwise noted. 12 varieties, our choice, $6. Beauty of Greenmount. Brilliant crimson; blooms in large clusters.
(1868) Page(s) 63. Noisette Roses. Price, 60 cents each except otherwise noted. 12 varieties, our choice, $6. Belle Marseillaise. Delicate clear blush; large clusters; fragrant and fine.
(1875) Page(s) 78. CLEMATIS. Virgin's Bower. Waldrebe, Ger. Clematite, Fr. The Clematis are elegant, slender branched shrubs, of rapid growth, handsome foliage and beautiful large flowers of all colors. The newer varieties introduced within the last five or six years are great acquisitions. Either in the open ground as pillar plants, bedding plants, single plants in masses or about rock-work, or cultivated in pots or tubs, the Clematis cannot be excelled. We append the following from the English "Gardener." Jackman's Clematises: "They are magnificent; and more than this, they do give us some of the grandest things in the way of creepers the horticultural world has ever seen, making glorious ornaments either for walls, verandahs, or rustic poles or pillars, varying in color from deep rich violet hue to dark velvety maroon, and in the newer seedling forms, beautiful shades of pale bright blue." They will stand the severest Winters if the roots are slightly covered. Class I. Perpetuals, Flowering in the Summer and Autumn, on Summer Shoots. C. cœrulea odorata. Reddish violet flowers. Sweet scented. $1.00.
(1875) Page(s) 79. CLEMATIS. Virgin's Bower. Waldrebe, Ger. Clematite, Fr. The Clematis are elegant, slender branched shrubs, of rapid growth, handsome foliage and beautiful large flowers of all colors. The newer varieties introduced within the last five or six years are great acquisitions. Either in the open ground as pillar plants, bedding plants, single plants in masses or about rock-work, or cultivated in pots or tubs, the Clematis cannot be excelled. We append the following from the English "Gardener." Jackman's Clematises: "They are magnificent; and more than this, they do give us some of the grandest things in the way of creepers the horticultural world has ever seen, making glorious ornaments either for walls, verandahs, or rustic poles or pillars, varying in color from deep rich violet hue to dark velvety maroon, and in the newer seedling forms, beautiful shades of pale bright blue." They will stand the severest Winters if the roots are slightly covered. Class II. Varieties Flowering in the Spring and Early Summer, on the Old or Ripened Wood. C. graveoli. Yellow flowers.
(1875) Page(s) 79. CLEMATIS. Virgin's Bower. Waldrebe, Ger. Clematite, Fr. The Clematis are elegant, slender branched shrubs, of rapid growth, handsome foliage and beautiful large flowers of all colors. The newer varieties introduced within the last five or six years are great acquisitions. Either in the open ground as pillar plants, bedding plants, single plants in masses or about rock-work, or cultivated in pots or tubs, the Clematis cannot be excelled. We append the following from the English "Gardener." Jackman's Clematises: "They are magnificent; and more than this, they do give us some of the grandest things in the way of creepers the horticultural world has ever seen, making glorious ornaments either for walls, verandahs, or rustic poles or pillars, varying in color from deep rich violet hue to dark velvety maroon, and in the newer seedling forms, beautiful shades of pale bright blue." They will stand the severest Winters if the roots are slightly covered. Class II. Varieties Flowering in the Spring and Early Summer, on the Old or Ripened Wood. C. Helena. Flowers very large, white, with yellow stamens. Distinct and fine.