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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Türkiye'nin Doğal-Egzotik Ağaç ve Çalıları
(2018)  Page(s) 545.  
Rosa villosa L.
Europe (except the northern edges), Caucasia, Iran and Turkey...
(2018)  Page(s) 466.  Includes photo(s).
Clematis cirrhosa L.
...Mediterranean, southern Europe, northern Africa, Turkey and western Syria. ...In Turkey it grows naturally in Istanbul, Çanakkale, between Antalya and Kaş and in the Amanos mountains in Hatay....blooms July-September...
(2018)  Page(s) 465.  Includes photo(s).
Clematis austroanatolica Ziel. and Kit Tan
...a local endemic species that has its spread in the Antalya-Alanya region (Zielinski and Kit Tan 2011).
...woody climber or creeper. Distinct from C. vitalba by its narrow, ovoid, sawtooth serrated leaflets, lower leaves with 3 leaflets, pinnate, orange-brown filaments and small pale pink flowers.
(2018)  Page(s) 466.  Includes photo(s).
Clematis flammula L.
...Mediterranean, southern Europe, northern Africa, Turkey and western Syria. Grows naturally in Istanbul, Çanakkale, between Antalya and Kaş and in the Amanos mountains in Hatay...blooms July-September...
(2018)  Page(s) 467.  Includes photo(s).
Clematis vitalba L.
Spreading in southern and central Europe, North America and western Asia. Seen often in deciduous forests in northwestern Anatolia, and areas with mediterranean climate...
(2018)  Page(s) 466.  Includes photo(s).
Clematis orientalis L.
...Its homeland is Asia. It has spread to southern Russia, Caucasia, Iran, Asia Minor, Turkestan, Afghanistan and western Pakistan. In Turkey it is found in forest zones,  Bursa, mountaneous areas between Malatya and Harput, Gümüşhane, Kayseri, Göreme, Erzurum, Erzincan, Van and Hakkâri in a wide area up to an altitude of 2000 m....
(2018)  Page(s) 534.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa agrestis Savi
...western, central and southern Europe, Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey, central and southern Russia, Crimea, Caucasia, northwestern Africa and Cyprus. In our country [Turkey] spreads in Kırklareli, Tekirdağ, Istanbul, Bilecik and Balıkesir regions....
(2018)  Page(s) 534.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa arvensis Huds.
...western and central Europe, the Balkans, England, Croatia, Greece and Turkey. Spreads in southern Anatolia, Amanos mountains and Adana....
(2018)  Page(s) 534.  
Rosa beggeriana Schrenk
..Iran, Afghanistan, western Pakistan, Tien Shan, and in our country in Central Anatolia at Amasya, Erzincan, Elazığ....
[these areas in Turkey are populated by Karakeçili nomads, who claim they immigrated from the 11th century onwards from the Merw region of Turkmenistan - the Silk Road connected Merw with Tien Shan]
(2018)  Page(s) 536.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa dumalis Bechst. subsp. boissieri (Crepin) Ö. Nilsson
General spread is in Caucasia, Georgia, Armenia, northwestern Iran and Turkey. ....There are two varieties in our country:
Rosa dumalis Bechst. subsp. boissieri (Crepin) O. Nilsson var. boissieri: Foliage is without a bluish waxy layer, central leaf axis is green. Spraeds in Rize, Gumuşhane, Kastamonu, Kars, Erzincan, Bingol, Erzurum, Van, Ağrı vand Hakkari areas.
Rosa dumalis Bechst. subsp. boissieri (Crepin) O. Nilsson var. antalyensis (Manden.) O. Nilsson: Foliage with a bluish waxy layer, central axis is purplish. This endemic taxon grows in our country around Antalya and Isparta.
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