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Daisy Hill Nursery Newry
(1998)  Page(s) 141.  
'Ashbourne White'           before 1900
'A very vigorous rose, with drooping vlusters of creamy white flowers in July, August: fragrant.'

From Ashbourne House, Glonthaune, County Cork, the famous garden of Richard Beamish, where 'the rose pergola was very bright ... A good climbing rose with clusters of double white flowers formed a mass several yards through, and was covered with flowers ... According to C. F. Ball (1909) Thomas Smith named and was selling this; it is most likely Daisy Hill Nursery was the first to market it. This rose is no longer recognizable in cultivation.
refs: Ball, The Garden 73: 419 (1909); Newry roses no. 59: 18 (1903-1904)
(1998)  Page(s) 141-142.  
'Blush Noisette'               before 1900
syn: 'Blush Cluster'
'bears clusters of blush pink flowers in the freest manner, a good hardy rose.'
'An old rose found in the neighbourhood' - named and introduced by Thomas Smith.

Graham Thomas (1983) comments that 'as this pretty rose is found so freely up and down the country in old gardens, and 'Blush Noisette' would have been so popular in old days owing to its recurrent habot; i feerl sure there is no doubt about the identification of this fragrant plant.' 'Blush Noisette' was raised in North America before 1818 by Philippe Noisette.
refs: Newry roses 39: 24 (1900); - no. 59: 19 (1903-1904); Thomas, Climbing Roses Old & New, 90 (1983).
illust: Thomas, Climbing Roses Old & New, plate V (1983).
(1998)  Page(s) 87.  
C. reticulata.
Supplied to the Royal Botanic Gardens, Ke, by Rodger, M'Clelland & Co., and figured in Curtis's Botanical Magazine.
ref: Curtis's Botanical Magazine tab. 6574.
(1998)  Page(s) 142.  
'Coral Drops'    before 1927
'It forms a bush of very graceful habit, 6-7 feet high, with pretty foliage and bunches of rose coloured flowers in June; these are followed by hanging sprays of bright coral-red fruit in Autumn, when it is a very striking object.'
'A mysterious seedling which was found here in an old seed bed.'
refs: Newry roses 115: 20 (1927-1928).
(1998)  Page(s) 142.  
'Daisy Hill'           c. 1900
syn 'Macrantha Daisy Hill'; R. macrantha 'Daisy Hill'
'of very vigorous growth, with full double flowers of a delicious shade of pale silvery bush, suffused with peach and deliciously fragrant. Quite one of the finest of Summer flowering garden roses, either as a bush or as a semi-climber.'
'One of the loveliest annual sights that I know is the flowering of a huge planting of 'Daisy Hill' at the back of a flower border.' (Thomas, Shrub Roses of Today, 35 (1980)).
'Daisy Hill' is a seedling from Macrantha ...', but there is no justification for including 'Macrantha' in the cultivar name - Rosa 'Daisy Hill' accords with the current rules of nomenclature.
Wilhelm Kordes used 'Daisy Hill' as a parent in his breeding work; it is one of the parents of 'Raubritter' (Thomas, A Garden of Roses, 108 (1987), The Graham Stuart Thomas Rose Book, 186, 191 (1994); Thomas (1980) erroneously attributed 'Daisy Hill' to William Paul but the attribution is deleted from the 1994 edition).
refs: Newry roses 59: 1 (1903-1904); Thomas, Shrub Roses of Today, 182 (1980); Nelson, An Irish Flower Garden Replanted (1997).
illusts: Walsh in The New Plantsman 4: 108 (1997), and in Nelson, An Irish Flower Garden Replanted, 10 (1997); The Garden 114: 367 (1989).
PF [RKS Plant Finder] 1997: propagation vegetative only, by cuttings or grafting.
(1998)  Page(s) 142.  
'Lady Clonbrock'    c. 1910
'A climbing Noisette of very vigorous growth, producing immense trusses of pale rose-coloured flowers in Summer and late Autumn.'
Found in 'an old Irish Garden', presumably that belonging to Lady Cronbrock?
Marketed by Daisy Hill Nursery
ref: Newry roses no. 121: 23 (1929-30).
(1998)  Page(s) 142-143.  
'Narrow Water'    before 1900
syn: Rosa moschata 'Narrow Water', R. pissardi 'Narrow Water'
'A pink counterpart of (Pissardii), which is almost extinct. This has large upstanding trusses of sweet scented pink flowers. Very good as an autumnal.'

Presumed to have arisen at Narrow Water castle. The name originally published was Rosa pissardii 'Narrowwater'.
In Gardening Illustrated (2 September 1939), 'C.' wrote that 'Narrow Water' is 'one of the most charming members of the Musk Rose family. It is really R. moschata var. nasturana 'Narrow Water'. The Nasturana rose is a native of Persia and usually called R. pissartii, from the name of the former gardener to the Shah ... In this country the form 'Narrow Water', so called from the Ulster river castle of that name - makes a bush about six feet high.'
Beales (1985) wrote, 'I grow more fond of it each season.'
refs: Newry roses no. 51: 19 (1901-1902); - no. 59: 23 (1903-1904); - no. 108: 14 (1925); - no. 121: 18 (1929-30); Gard. Illust. 61: 564-565 (2 September 1939); Beales, Classic Roses, 260 (1985).
illusts: Beales, Classic Roses, 13 (watercolour), 260 (photograph) (1985); The New Plantsman 4: 113 (1997).
PF [RHS Plant Finder] 1997: propagaton vegetative only, by cuttings or grafting.
(1998)  Page(s) 128.  
P. lobata 'Sunbeam'
'Improved. The most brilliant colour in hardy flowers; dazzling scarlet'1; 'large handsome flowers of a glowing scarlet colour'2; 'No other hardy flowers I know can excel this in the brilliance of its colour; 2ft.'3
In catalogues 83 and 125, this is stated to be 'a form selected here...' - perhaps better named 'Sunbeam Smith's Variety'
refs: Hardy alpine plants no. 83:124 (1912)3; Wholesale catalogue 1912-13: 1041; Hardy alpine and herbaceous plants no 125: 79 (1931)2.
(1998)  Page(s) 143.  
'Paulii Rosea'               c. 1904
syn: R. rugosa repens rosea, R. x paulii 'Rosea', 'Newry Pink'
'Similar to (repens alba), but of more vigorous growth and its flowers, which are much larger, resemble large Clematis and of a beautiful rose colour, shading to white in the centre'; 'New Like (repens alba), but the flowers are larger and of a bright rose colour.'

A handwritten annotation in pencil - rugosa repens rosea (gall x rugosa) - opposite p. 35 in Newry roses no. 75 [1908?] is apparently the first record of this rose.
G. N. Smith (1929) stated that 'this was raised in our nursery about 1904, as the result of crossing R. rugosa with R. gallica. It is quite different from R. rugosa var. repens alba in foliage and R. rugosa var. repens rosea.'
Re-named 'Newry Pink' by J. Belder and Onno Wijnands (1986).
refs: Newry roses no. 82: 41 (1911); - no. 103:24 (1923); - no. 115: 17 (1927-1928); Wholesale catalogue 1912-13: 55; G. N. Smith, 'Rosa rugosa var. repens rosea', Gard Chron. 86 (series 3): 154 (1929), Belder & Wijnands, Dendroflora 23: 44-45 (1986).
Pf [RHS Plant Finder] 1997: propagate vegetatively; by cuttings or grafting.
(1998)  Page(s) 143.  
'Rambling Rector'    c. 1900
'One of the most vigorous of all roses ... It has handsome, almost persistent foliage, and large trusses of white flowers'; very vigorous; flowers double, in large erect clusters, opeing cream and fading white; with 'delicious' fragrance of R. multiflora.
According to Thomas (1983: 71) this was first included in a Daisy Hill catalogue in 1912; it was listed earlier, in catalogue no. 51 (1901-1902). It is just possible that Tom Smith named this rose, but there is no indication in the catalogues that he bred or discovered it. If Smith did name this rose, it would be amusing to know at which rectory he obtained it. Who the rambling rector was we will probably never know!
'Many an old corrugated iron shed would beome less of an eyesore if supporting 'Rambling Rector' (Beales 1985: 274).
refs: Newry roses no. 51: 19 (1901-1902); Thomas, Climbing Roses Old & New, 70-71 (1983); Trees & shrubs no. 101: 14 (1921).
illusts: Beales, Classic Roses, 78 (photgraphs) (1985).
PF [RHS Plant Finder] 1997: propagation vegetative only, by cuttings or grafting.
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