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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Rosen im Garten
(1961)  Page(s) 127.  
'Frühlingsanfang', W. Kordes' Sons, 'Joanna Hill' X R. spinos. v. altaica, 1950, single, large, light yellow, very floriferous, 3 m, fragrant, n=28
(1961)  Page(s) 127.  
'Frühlingsduft', W. Kordes' Sons, 'Joanna Hill' x R. spinosissima v. altaica, 1949, very double, very large, rosy yellow to pure golden yellow, bushy and floriferous, 1,5 m., very fragrant, n=28
(1961)  Page(s) 127.  
'Frühlingsgold', W. Kordes' Sons, 'Joanna Hill' x R. spinosissima v. hispida, 1937, single, large blooms, pure golden yellow, very floriferous, 2 m., very fragrant, n=28
(1961)  Page(s) 127.  
'Frühlingsmorgen', W. Kordes' Sons, ('E. G. Hill' X 'Cathrine Kordes') X R. spinosissima v. altaica, 1941, semi-double, medium size, carmine-pink, center soft pink, very floriferous, 2 m., no fragrance, n=28
(1961)  Page(s) 127.  
'Frühlingsschnee', W. Kordes' Sons, 'Golden Glow' X R. spinosissima var. altaica, 1954, semi-double, verylarge, pure white, spreading, very floriferous, 1,5 m. tall, none to mild fragrance, n=28
(1961)  Page(s) 127.  
'Frühlingszauber', W. Kordes' Sons, ('E. G. Hill' x 'Cathrine Kordes') X R. spinosissima var. altaica, 1942, semi-double, medium size, light red, very floriferous, 2 m., very fragrant, n=28
(1961)  Page(s) 125.  
Rosa canina L. ...v. 'Kiese', Kiese & Co., 'Gén. Jacqueminot' x R. canina, 1910, single to semi-double, bright red, large bright red hips, 1,5 m., - [fragrance], 2n=21
(1961)  Page(s) 54, 131.  
p. 54: In 1955...he [Kordes] introduced a hybrid polyantha, the flowers of which shone in an improbable luminosity. Kordes named it 'Korona' based on the bright halo of glowing gases which surround the sun. 

p. 131: 'Korona', W. Kordes' Sons. parentage ?, 1955, semi-double, medium size, orange-scarlet, vigorous, upright, 60 cm, no fragrance
(1961)  Page(s) 127.  
'Maigold', W. Kordes' Sons, 'Poulsen's Pink' X 'Frühlingstag', 1953, semi-double, large blooms, golden yellow, upright, continuous bloom when established, 2 m, strong fragrance, n=28
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