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Santa Clara County Rose Society

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Rose Society  

Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
Newsletter available.
O'Connor Medical Office Auditorium, next to O'Connor hospital, 2101 Forest Ave.
San Jose, California
United States
The SCCRS is a non-profit organization dedicated to growing beautiful roses, learning about rose culture, and promoting rose gardening within the greater Silicon Valley. Meetings are held the second Friday of each month at 7:30 PM. Visitors welcome!

Meeting location: O'Connor Medical Office Building Auditorium, 2101 Forest Avenue, San Jose - right next to O'Connor Hospital. Map:

The SCCRS is an all-volunteer organization, founded in 1926, and is affiliated with the American Rose Society (ARS). Our newsletter, the RoseLeaf, is available to members who join the rose society.

Learn more about the SCCRS activities on the Web at
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