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'AUSglobe' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 15-452
most recent 13 DEC 21 SHOW ALL
Initial post 12 DEC 06 by Anonymous-105636
Brother Cadfael is one of my hardiest Austins.  After its first winter, I didn't have any winterkill to prune off.  I love the big globular blooms and fragrance.  I live in Maine, zone 5b.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 25 MAY 10 by Loggerite
Good info. Thanks
Reply #2 of 2 posted 13 DEC 21 by ColleeninMhd
This is awesome news thank you from Massachusetts!
How tall does yours get?
Discussion id : 123-787
most recent 7 NOV 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 NOV 20 by Viviane SCHUSSELE
Brothel Cadfael
Nom d’un héros de l’écrivaine britanique Ellis Peters, auteure de roman policier dont Brother Cadfael en est un héros. Ellis Peters habitait non loin de l’établissement de David Austin
Discussion id : 93-309
most recent 17 OCT 20 SHOW ALL
Initial post 10 JUN 16 by BroCad
BC is in his fourth year with me, planted as bareroot from DA USA. After his first year struggling in near total shade, I moved him to a location where he is shaded in the morning and gets several hours of late afternoon sun. Not ideal, I know, but he has flourished. This year I put him on a six foot pillar and wound the canes around as best I could. The first flush has been magnificent, with flowers finally up to the height of my bedroom window so I can see/smell the flowers from across the room. His buds and flowers are beautiful at every stage, and they are the most substantial in my garden. His lemony, old rose fragrance is very strong, reliably present, and my favorite in the garden. Almost no disease. Occasional late-season BS. No defoliation in four years. The last week has seen the emergence of two new basals, which I plan to wrap around the pillar as soon as they seem ready for it. Before last year, he was ungenerous in bloom and slow to repeat. Last year he was much more generous in the first flush, but still slow and sporadic to repeat. This year the first flush has been amazing. I'll report back on whether the repeat will have improved or not. I am very glad to have him in my garden.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 10 OCT 20 by DLEverette_NC_Zone7b
Considering this rose for my garden next year. Has the repeat improved for you?
Reply #2 of 2 posted 17 OCT 20 by BroCad
Hello, there:
To answer your question, BC has not become a wonderful repeater. There is repeat, but it is not dramatic. I pulled him out this spring hoping to replace with Ancient Mariner, which I thought might repeat better. I couldn't just toss him because he is so lovely, fragrant and healthy, so I put him in a pot. He did really well in the pot and, I think because the pot was in a in a very sunny location, he bloomed more heavily and repeated a bit better. Still, if you want a good repeater, I don't think he is the answer. The large pink Austin roses that I have are Huntington Rose and Royal Jubilee. They both repeat very well for me. Huntington rose is one of my favorites of all for bloom form, color, health, and repeat. Drawback: almost no fragrance that I can detect. Royal Jubilee blooms a lot, repeats very well, and has a gorgeous scent. If you like pink roses and don't need large size, Boscobel is my absolute favorite rose. She has gorgeous form and color, repeats continuously, and carries her blooms upright and viewable. To my nose her fragrance is very pretty but quite light. If you want a pink rose with large blooms that last and intoxicating fragrance, I might suggest Princess Alexandra of Kent. She might get to 5-6' tall by the end of summer here, she is VERY vigorous, and she repeats well.
Hope this helps, and best of luck to you!
Discussion id : 112-216
most recent 17 JUL 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 17 JUL 18 by pkalisz
Under "description" of Brother Cadfael at bottom the following link no longer works:
Reply #1 of 1 posted 17 JUL 18 by Patricia Routley
Thank you for the advice. We have deleted the link.
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