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'SPIcup' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 42-707
most recent 24 FEB 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 FEB 10 by Jeff Britt
Available from - Heirloom Old Garden Roses
Discussion id : 12-809
most recent 3 JUL 06 SHOW ALL
Initial post 23 JUN 06 by Unregistered Guest

I have had this rose "Cupcake (Spicup)" in a pot for 9 years.  I know nothing about roses, and have done nothing special to it.  It looks beautiful today.  I am considering putting it in the ground, and would welcome suggestions.

K.G. Marysville, WA

Reply #1 of 1 posted 3 JUL 06 by Jody
Hi I just saw your post. did you plant your rose yet? I am familar with Marysville. Don't plant in the heat wave you are having in WA. wait until it cools down. and then give it B1 diluted for transplant shock!!!  Good luck with it.
Discussion id : 8-082
most recent 18 APR 05 SHOW ALL
Initial post 13 APR 05 by Donna Williamson
Cupcake is a prolific bloomer in my Northern California garden. Nicely shaped bush and lots of continual blooms.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 18 APR 05 by RoseBlush

Thank you for posting your comment to the HelpMeFind site. I have changed the rose page to show that 'Cupcake' reblooms very well. I have grown this rose in both northern and southern California and it always had blooms even when it wasn't located in the best spot. With better care, it has proven to be a very reliable rose.


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