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'Gruss an Sangerhausen' rose References
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 406.  
Gruss an Sangerhausen Translation: "Greetings to Sangerhausen". Hybrid Tea. Müller/Soupert & Notting 1904. Parentage: 'Pierre Notting' x 'Safrano'. The author cites information from different sources... Brilliant scarlet...
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 643.  
Sangerhausen, Gruss an (HT) Dr. Müller 1904; P. Notting X Safrano; scarlet-red, center garnet, large, double, solitary or up to 4, fragrance 5/10, floriferous, continuous bloom, autumn-bloomer, longish bids, few prickles, reddish branches, foliage susceptible to mildew, growth 6/10, short. Sangerhausen
Website/Catalog  (1914)  Page(s) 30.  
Hybrid Tea Roses.
We can also supply the undernoted, but in our opinion much better varieties are to be found described in the preceding pages, and we think these can very well be done without.
Duchess of Albany, Edith d'Ombrain, Ferdinand Batel, Frau Rose Benary, Frau Peter Lambert, Gruss and Sangerhausen [sic], Gustave Regis, Madame Pernet Ducher, Rev. D. R. Williamson. 1/6 each.
Book  (1914)  Page(s) 277.  
Grüss an Sangerhausen, H.T., scarlet.
Website/Catalog  (1912)  Page(s) 76.  
Ever-Blooming Roses.
Gruss an Sangerhausen Scarlet, with deep red centres, large, full.
Website/Catalog  (1911)  Page(s) 20.  
Hybrid Teas. Gruss an Sangerhausen Flowers scarlet and deep red, large and full; splendid all round; very free. Mod to strong.
Website/Catalog  (1908)  Page(s) 32.  
Varietà nuove del 1905 ...Ibridi di thè rifiorenti .. 553 Saluto dei Cantori (Dott. Muller). Arbusto di buona forza, fiore grande doppio, rosso scarlatto, a centro rosso granata molto pronunciato. Extra
Magazine  (1 Oct 1907)  Page(s) 450.  
Les Meilleures Roses Nouvelles de 1904
Au dernier Congrès de la Société française des Rosiéristes, M. Croibier, rosiériste à Lyon, a présenté, sur la sixième question inscrite au programme: « Les meilleures variétés de Roses dans les nouveautés de 1904 », une note dans laquelle il énumère les variétés les plus appréciées dans la région lyonnaise. Voici cette liste, dans laquelle chaque nom est accompagné d'une description sommaire:  
Hybrides de Thés
Gruss an Sangerhausen (Docteur Muller). — Fleur grande, pleine, de belle forme; coloris rouge écarlate, le centre rouge grenat très prononcé, coloris chaud et remarquable; bonne variété.

Translation: The Finest New Roses of 1904
At the last meeting of the French society of rosarians, M. Croibier, a rosarian from Lyon, in response to the sixth question of the program [?], gave a presentation in which he enumerated the most appreciated varieties of his region. Here is that list, with each name accompanied by a short description:
Hybrid Tea Roses
Gruss an Sangerhausen (Dr. Muller).—The flower is large, full, shapely; the color scarlet-red with a conspicuously garnet-red center, a coloring that is warm and remarkable; a good variety.
Website/Catalog  (1906)  Page(s) 6.  
Novelties in Roses for 1906.
Gruss an Sangerhausen  (Hybrid Tea) Flowers scarlet with deep red centres; large and full, of good shape, with long handsome buds; growth vigorous, with deep green foliage and reddish wood. 
Book  (1906)  Page(s) 70.  
4.559. Gruss an Sangershausen [sic], Hybride de Thé, Dr. Muller 1904 rouge
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