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'KORromalu' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 35-446
most recent 7 DEC 21 SHOW ALL
Initial post 10 APR 09 by Jeff Britt
Palatine calls this rose a climber growing 6' to 8' tall. Sounds like a shrub that can be trained as a climber in some climates.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 7 DEC 21 by Chris
just saw a photo of one a friend grows and heck no, it's really a climber.
Discussion id : 36-372
most recent 6 JUN 09 SHOW ALL
Initial post 15 MAY 09 by Patricia Routley
I am a bit confused with the following two roses listed by Helpmefind:
KORrumalu. syn: 'Red Corsair', 'Roter Korsar'. 2004
KORromalu. syn: 'Temptress'. 2007

Could they be the same rose?
There is a listing of some Kordes Roses by either Thomas Proll, Germany, or their Australian agent, Treloar Roses in the Australian Rose Annual 2009, page 166 which lists 'Temptress' as having a synonym of 'Roter Korsar', Code KORromalu.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 6 JUN 09 by Cliff
Yes, Patricia. They are indeed the same rose. I was about to suggest that the two be merged when I saw your comment.

Reply #2 of 2 posted 6 JUN 09 by Patricia Routley
Thanks Cliff.
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