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'Château de Clos Vougeot' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 50-538
most recent 13 DEC 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 DEC 10 by AnneU
Per the book “Roses du Jardin”, author M-Th Haudebourg, parents of ‘Château de Clos Vougeot’ are (‘Mme Eugène Verdier’ * ‘Eugène Fürst’) * (‘Souvenir de Wooton’ * ‘François Coppée’)
Reply #1 of 2 posted 12 DEC 10 by jedmar
I have never seen this information in older publications. Does Mme Haudebourg gmention a source?
Reply #2 of 2 posted 13 DEC 10 by AnneU
This is a big book, published by Hachette Pratique in France, with a lot of references mentioned at the back of it, so I do not know where she found that information. Sorry for that. By the way, that book is very interesting and useful. It describes 1200 roses, how to plant, etc.. and there are a lot of very good photos. Roses are sorted by major classes, then by colours. I really recommend it.
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