'Wildberry ®' rose Reviews & Comments
Breeder code RT 12585 according to Barcelona Rose trials documentation; also certificate of merit at 2018 Le Roeulx rose trials
I don’t understand Ericchn, we have Wildberry listed as RT 13-522. (See previous Comment from HelenaJ) What makes you link RT 12-585 with Wildberry? We have RT 12-585 listed as a separate 2012 rose.
#2 of 6 posted
12 FEB 21 by
Hello Patricia, Tantau claims that Wildberry won Best Hybrid Tea - Grandiflora Variety, Novelties Contest in Barcelona / Spain 2018, and according to the documentation of 2018 Barcelona trials, the one that won this category was RT 12585
#3 of 6 posted
12 FEB 21 by
According to the website of the World Rose Organisation, Best Hybrid Tea at the 2018 Barcelona trials was RT13522. The same is mentioned in the official announcement of the Ajuntament de Barcelona on May 14, 2018: (El Premi 'Rosa Barcelona' 2018 s'atorga a la varietat EVEaribla) It is correct that the later Palmares publication of Barcelona states RT12585. We will need an explanation by Tantau.
#4 of 6 posted
12 FEB 21 by
Hello, indeed I checked the file on the website of Word Rose organisation, the winner was marked RT13522. However, in the document published by the city government of Barcelona, the winner was RT12585. And the 2 documents actually used one same photo of the plant! It’s confusing and I believed they must have made a mistake in either one of the 2 documents.
#5 of 6 posted
12 FEB 21 by
We arrived at the same conclusion. Meanwhile, I checked the Trademark listing of Tantau. 'Wildberry' is Tan13522 (see Schutzrechte at left bottom of the home page of their website).
#6 of 6 posted
12 FEB 21 by
Hello, According to CPVO, the correct codename for the teahybrid rose WILDBERRY should be TAN13522. Not RT13-522 which is stated here.
Best regards, Helena
Thank you, we've added the breeder code designation. The name RT 13-522 was never designated here as the official breeder code, rather it presumably is a name the breeder assigned to a seedling sometime ago.
Thanks again for providing the proper breeder code. We always (!) greatly (!) appreciate site guest participation; it is what HMF is all about.