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'Scarlet Moss ™' rose Gardens
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—  A  —
California, United States C,L,V  A Hidden Sanctuary Archive

Rose (member) Garden.  1558 plants listed.  8 photos.

11 favorite votes.  

—  C  —
Iowa, United States C,L,P,V  Central Iowa Rose, Clematis, & Peony Garden

Rose, peony and clematis.  889 plants listed.  7 photos.  USDA zone 5b.

22 favorite votes.  

Illinois, United States C,L,R,T,V  Chicago Botanic Gardens

Rose (public) Garden.  217 plants listed.  USDA zone 5b.

9 favorite votes.  Average rating: GOOD+.  

Listed as 'MORcarlet'.  

Mississippi, United States L,P  Cnoc Rois

Rose (member) Garden.  33 plants listed.  1 photo.  USDA zone 7b.

Virginia, United States L,P,T,V  Cyndy's Garden

Rose and clematis (member) Garden.  255 plants listed.  2 photos.  USDA zone 7a.

13 favorite votes.  

—  E  —
Washington, United States C,L,P,V  E. Harrison St. Roseraie

Rose, peony and clematis (member) Garden.  488 plants listed.  4 photos.  USDA zone 8b.

3 favorite votes.  

Ontario, Canada L,P,V  Elizabeth Lee

Rose (member) Garden.  38 plants listed.  7 photos.

3 favorite votes.  

California, United States C,L,P,T,V  Enrique Munoz Ramirez

Rose (member) Garden.  73 plants listed.  101 photos.

13 favorite votes.  

—  F  —
United States C,L,V  FreedomGardens

Rose (member) Garden.  1055 plants listed.  8 photos.

4 favorite votes.  

—  G  —
Florida, United States C,L,R,V  Grovers Garden

Rose, peony and clematis (private) Garden.  454 plants listed.  USDA zone 9b.

8 favorite votes.  Average rating: EXCELLENT.  

—  I  —
New York, United States L,V  I Never Promised You a Rose Garden

Rose (member) Garden.  81 plants listed.  USDA zone 6a.

4 favorite votes.  

—  J  —
California, United States L,V  Jim's Monterey Bay Area Garden

Rose (member) Garden.  198 plants listed.  USDA zone 9b.

8 favorite votes.  

—  K  —
Massachusetts, United States C,L,P,V  Kassia's Rose Garden in Framingham, MA

Rose (member) Garden.  256 plants listed.  5 photos.  USDA zone 6a.

3 favorite votes.  

—  L  —
Connecticut, United States L,V  La Roseraie Petite

Rose (member) Garden.  43 plants listed.  USDA zone 6a.

13 favorite votes.  

—  M  —
South Carolina, United States J,L,P,V  Micklash Roses

Rose (private) Garden.  234 plants listed.  3 photos.  USDA zone 8b.

1 favorite vote.  

United States L,P,V  Moonshadow

Rose (member) Garden.  66 plants listed.  1 photo.

12 favorite votes.  

California, United States C,L,V  My Garden

Rose (member) Garden.  49 plants listed.

5 favorite votes.  

California, United States L,V  My Garden

Rose, peony and clematis (member) Garden.  50 plants listed.  USDA zone 8b.

4 favorite votes.  

Poland L,P,V  My Garden

Rose (member) Garden.  246 plants listed.  15 photos.

6 favorite votes.  

—  P  —
Rhode Island, United States C,L,P,R,T,V  Patsy & Ed Cunningham

Rose, peony and clematis (member) Garden.  109 plants listed.  112 photos.  USDA zone 6a.

10 favorite votes.  Average rating: EXCELLENT.  

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