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—  A  —
C,E,F,G,L,N,O,P,R,VAmbassador (hybrid tea, Meilland, 1976) [MEInuzeten]
C,G,N,O,P,R,VAvant-Garde (hybrid tea, Delbard 2003) [Delgramat]
—  C  —
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VCarefree Beauty [BUCbi]
A,C,E,F,G,L,N,O,P,R,T,VCarefree Spirit [MEIzmea]
C,E,F,G,L,N,O,P,R,T,VCarefree Sunshine [RADsun]
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VCarefree Wonder [MEIpitac]
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,U,VCinco de Mayo™ (floribunda, Carruth, 2006) [Wekcobeju]
C,E,G,J,L,N,O,P,T,VCoral Miracle ™
—  D  —
C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VDancing In The Dark ™ [CC 98.8303.2]
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VDouble Knock Out ® [RADtko]
—  E  —
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,U,VEasy Does It ® [HARpageant]
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VEasy Going ™ [HARflow]
—  G  —
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VGemini (hybrid tea, Zary 1999) [JACnepal]
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,U,VGranada (hybrid tea, Lindquist, 1963)
—  H  —
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,VHome Run ™(shrub, Carruth 2001) [Wekcisbako]
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,VHot Cocoa ™ (floribunda, Carruth 2001) [WEKpaltlez]
—  L  —
C,G,L,N,O,P,R,U,VLavender Crush ™ [TEXmourug]
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VLe Petit Prince [DELgramau]
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VLivin' Easy ™ [HARwelcome]
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,U,VLove (grandiflora, Warriner, 1977) [JACtwin]
C,F,L,N,O,P,T,VLucious [RESluc]
—  M  —
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,VMidas Touch ™ (Hybrid Tea, Christensen, 1992) [JACtou]
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