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Amity Rose & Garden Nursery/Amity Heritage Roses
Discussion id : 68-199
most recent 16 NOV 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 15 NOV 12 by mysteryrose
As their page states, Amity is no longer a mail-order nursery.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 16 NOV 12 by HMF Admin
Discussion id : 2-618
most recent 26 JUL 09 SHOW ALL
Initial post 25 JUN 03 by Anonymous-797
I special ordered one specimen of "the Yeoman" from Amity. I had to wait a while for delivery, but they were excellent at responding to my requests as to when I could expect delivery (even though I felt like a pest, I swallowed my guilt and kept e-mailing them).
Finally, the Yeoman showed up at my door, healthy as can be! It was quite small, but as they grow plants on their own roots, I was not expecting a large specimen. Its been in the ground for about three months, and is getting ready to pop its first three flowers. I had one initial blossom that was beautiful. Amity did fine by me :)
Reply #1 of 3 posted 25 JUL 09 by Janice Patton
I am searching for Eden Climber (Pierre De Ronsard) and your nursery was listed. Can you help?
Reply #2 of 3 posted 26 JUL 09 by RoseBlush
You can click on the link to their web site on the NURSERY page and find their availability list.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 26 JUL 09 by Tracy and Janet Sclar
Yes, we have one left. Please order through our site at
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