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Roses of Yesterday and Today
'Roses of Yesterday and Today'  photo
Photo courtesy of Roses of Yesterday and Today
Rose (retail and mail order) Nursery  

Listing last updated on Sat Mar 2025
Catalog: Printed and Online.   Newsletter available.
803 Browns Valley Road
Watsonville, California 95076-0343
United States
831-728-1901  [Information]
831-728-0660  [Fax]
831-728-1901  [Ordering]
Roses of Yesterday specializes in over 230 Old Garden Roses and Selected Modern Roses. The display garden is open every day from 9:00 to 4:00 on the Self-Service Honor System and potted roses are available. Guests are welcome to picnic any day.

Please call ahead to place your order as more stock is available in a sunnier growing area and there is not someone usually there to serve you. Your order can be prepared ahead of time for the day you plan to pick up.

Roses of Yesterday and Today was established by Francis E. Lester in the 1930's, continued by Will Tillotson, from 1948 to 1957, and carried on by Pat's mother, Dorothy Stemler, until her passing in 1976. Patricia Stemler Wiley and her husband, Newton Wiley ran Roses of Yesterday and Today for the next twenty years.

The third generation, Jack and Guinivere Wiley, have kept the garden open to visitors and roses available for purchase since 1996, and in 2009 teamed with one of the best growers in the business to bring many great rose varieties back into production as own root roses, including Arrillaga, Frau Karl Druschki, Phyllis Bide, Prince Camille de Rohan, Rosette Delizy, Reichsprasident Von Hindenberg, Souvenir de St. Anne, The Doctor and so many more. Please see for current availability.

[For some interesting historical background, see the entry for Will Tillotson's Roses... ]
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