'Chief Seattle' rose References
Book (2002) Page(s) 32. Not rated
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 92. Chief Seattle Hybrid Tea, buff and old-gold, center shrimp-red, 1951, 'Charlotte Armstrong' x 'Signora'; Swim. Description.
Book (1988) Page(s) 40. CHIEF SEATTLE had many desirable qualities such as vigor, glossy foliage, fragrance and very fine flower form with 50 - 60 petals. The color was just not stable or novel enough to curry favor long with the customers for the plants.
Book (1958) Page(s) 57. Chief Seattle. HT. (Swim; int. Armstrong Nurs., 51.) Charlotte Armsttong x Signora. Bud vonical; fl. large (4-5 in.), dbl. (50-60 petals), high entered, fragrant, buff and old-gold, center shrimp-red. Fol. glossy. Vig., tall. (28) Pl. Pat. 1030.
Book (1953) Page(s) 18. Harry H. Hazlewood. The New Roses of 1953. Chief Seattle (Swim 1951). Full shapely blooms of 35-40 petals opening buff yellow shading to creamy white. The parentage is given as 'Charlotte Armstrong' x 'Signora Piero Puricelli'.
Book (1953) Page(s) 66. Chief Seattle - 28
Website/Catalog (1953) Page(s) 4. Novelty Roses, 1953. Chief Seattle H.T. (Swim, 1951.) Full exhibition blooms of 35-40 buff yellow petals shading to creamy white. (Charlotte Armstrong x Signora Piero Puricelli.) 12/6 each.
Article (magazine) (Dec 1952) Page(s) 21. Chief Seattle is a sister seedling to 'Sutter's Gold' and received its name at the American Rose Society convention in Seattle, Washington, in June 1951.
Magazine (Sep 1951) Page(s) 3. trimester, p. 91. Registration Internationale des Roses Nouvelles en 1950 Sous le contrôle de la National Rose Society, de l'American Rose Society et de la Société Française des Roses ... Reg. No. U.S.A.; Chief Seattle; Enregistrées par U.S.A.; Obtenues par Armstrong Nurseries Inc.
Magazine (Jun 1951) Page(s) 2. trimester, p. 40. Le Jury s'est réuni le 12 mai pour l'attribution du Prix de Rome 1951 à la meilleure variété de rose. ... CERTIFICATS DE MERITE aux roses suivantes : ..CHIEF SEATTLE (Armstrong Nurseries). Charlotte Armstrong x Signora. Hybride de thé. Couleur rouge crevette au centre, entouré de jaune paille.