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'Christine Wright' rose References
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 162-163.  Includes photo(s).
‘Christine Wright’ = …longues tiges en cascade… énormes fleurs d’un chaleureux rose carné… Elles éclosent en vase grec, puis ouvrent en large coupe leur vingtaine de pétales imbriqués… agréable parfum musqué. Cette floraison en nette avance sur les autres grimpants à grande fleur est souvent suivie d’un rappel automnal, mais mieux vaut épargner ses fleurs fanées et laisser se former ses jolis fruits orangés… Comme il produit de nombreuses pousses basales, on a intérêt à supprimer chaque année le vieux bois. En l’absence de taille, sa végétation atteint le double de celle d’un grimpant à grande fleur ordinaire... Hoopes Brothers & Thomas, US, 1909. (Rosa wichuraiana x rosier thé inconnu) x Mme Caroline Testout.
Book  (1994)  Page(s) 3.  Includes photo(s).
Book  (1994)  Page(s) 120.  Includes photo(s).
Book  (1994)  Page(s) 122.  Includes photo(s).
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 94.  
Christine Wright Large-flowered Climber, medium pink, 1909, Seedling x 'Mme. Caroline Testout'; Hoopes, Bro. & Thomas. Description.
Book  (1990)  Page(s) 117.  Includes photo(s).
Christine Wright 1909. Description... bright pink, large, fragrant flowers...
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 763.  
Wright, Christine (hybrid wichurana) Hoopes & Thomas 1909; ? Wich. seedling X Testout; light pink, large, semi-double, cup form, lasting, in clusters of 3-8, fragrance 3/10, once-blooming, growth 8/10, climbing, 3 m, hardy. Sangerhausen
Website/Catalog  (1929)  Page(s) 48.  
Hardy Climbing Roses
Christine Wright. Hybrid Wichuraiana. (Hoopes, Bro. & Thomas Co., 1909.) Very large, cupped but informal flowers of exquisite, wild-rose pink, borne in enormous, long-stemmed sprays on a moderately strong climbing plant which produces occasional flowers in summer and fall.
Very early, and a fine pillar Rose. Similar to Alida Lovett and Mary Wallace, but prolongs the season by beginning early. We consider it one of the best climbers for general use, and recommend it especially if only a few climbers can be planted. This Rose is almost historical. It was one of the very first large-flowered hardy climbers to be produced and popularized the class. 75 cts. each.
Website/Catalog  (1928)  Page(s) 26.  
Christine Wright. Hybrid Wichuraiana. (Hoopes, Bro. & Thomas Co., 1909.) R. Wichuraiana seedling X Mme. Caroline Testout. Heavy dark green foliage which is immune to disease. Large, full flowers borne singly and in clusters; perfect in form; beautiful in bud and in full expanded flower; color bright, wild-rose pink.
Book  (1919)  Page(s) 85.  
Editor. The charming picture of 'Purity', a new white H.T. raised by Farrell, 'Caroline Testout' x an unnamed seedling, said to be the best of the large white climbers, and much superior to 'Silver Moon'. Singularly it is from the same hip as 'Christine Wright', another fine climber.
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