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'Queen of Scarlet' rose References
Book  (2012)  Page(s) 58.  
Rosiers du Bengale...
B. Gauffré, Monza
Rouge vif, h.dy. [Hardy]
Eblouissant, Italie
Eblouissante, Vib.
Oeillet, Thory.
Booklet  (2009)  Page(s) 29.  
Triploid ...Cramoisi Superieur [Provenance: Antique Rose Emporium]
Article (magazine)  (2007)  Page(s) 404.  
Table 1. Comparison of key volatile components in representative cultivated Chinese roses and species. [adsorption volume by Solid Phase Microextraction (peak area, x10')]
DMMB: 1,3-dimethoxy-5-methylbenzene

'Cramoisi Superieur'
Citronellol 0.24
Geraniol 1.47
Dihydro-beta-ionone 2.34
DMMB 0.09
Book  (2006)  Page(s) 79.  
Cramoisi Supérieur China. Best fragrance. Occasional rebloom. Mass of wood often wider than tall. Coquereau, 1835. (Provenance: Lowe). ...matches perfectly the climbing form, known as JAMES SPRUNT in the United States. Velvety crimson globular flowers with rolled back petals that contrast with iridescent lavender-crimson reverses. This bushy reversion from the climber may be larger than the original; see "MABLETON CRIMSON CHINA".
Book  (2006)  Page(s) 80.  
"Mableton Crimson China" (Cramoisi Supérieur?, "Wingood China", Agrippina?). China. Best fragrance. Fair rebloom. Mass of wood often wider than tall. (Provenance: Matson). Small, globular lacquer-red flowers pale on the reverse with a dwarf habit, rarely over 2' tall. Perhaps only a slight variation on CRAMOISI SUPÉRIEUR, or perhaps another, very similar cultivar whose name is lost. Sold to us as AGRIPPINA, and identical to the Bermuda rose known as "WINGOOD CHINA".
Book  (2 Nov 2003)  Page(s) 20.  
Barbara May and Jane Zammit.  Rookwood Cemetery Roses.  
The following roses have been identified at Rookwood, primarily in the old and Heritage listed areas. Cramoisi Superieur (Lady Brisbane)
Book  (2002)  Page(s) 36.  
Cramoisi Superieur Hybrid China. Rated 8.6
Book  (2001)  Page(s) 61.  
"Mableton Crimson China" [“Mableton China , “Wingood China”, Agrippina] ..... sold to us as 'Agrippina' and identical to the Bermuda rose known as "Wingood China".
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 182.  Includes photo(s).
‘Cramoisi Supérieur’ /’Agrippina’ /’Lady Brisbane’ = Chine… See ref Botanica's Roses… chichement garni de petites feuilles… Coquereau, France, 1832.
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 78.  Includes photo(s).
Mike Shoup: 'Cramoisi Superieur'. This plant and the rose 'Louis Philippe' have often been mistaken for each other. 'Cramoisi Superieur' flowers are cupped, rich crimson color with a silvery reverse different from 'Louis Philippe' in the absence of the white streaking near the base of the flower. (Both plants at certain times of the year can produce mimicking flowers).....
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