'Deb's Delight' rose References
Book (1996) Page(s) 29. Deb's Delight (LEGsweet) Cluster-Flowered (Floribunda)... clusters of cupped salmon-pink semi-double blooms... RNRS Trial Ground Certificate 1978. LeGrice (England) 1983. Named for the actress Deborah Barnes.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 126. Deb's Delight Floribunda, silvery salmon-pink blend, 1983, (LEGsweet); 'Tip Top' x Seedling; LeGrice, E.B. Description.
Book (1979) Page(s) 25. E. F. Allen, Awards To New Roses In Great Britain In 1978. TG No. 3486 ('Tip Top' x seedling). An unregistered floribunda, by Le Grice, with pale salmon peach flowers. It was very pretty in July but I noticed some powdery mildew in August. Trial Ground Certificate.