Book (2002) Page(s) 19. Rated 7.1
Book (2000) Page(s) 75. ‘Allspice’/AROall = Hybride de Thé – jaune moyen, remontant. …parfum suave. Un feuillage ample, vert olive, habille ce buisson vigoureux et sain qui convient autant en massif qu’en sujet isolé, à la remontée sans reproche… Armstrong, USA, 1977.
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 75. Allspice (AROall) Large-flowered/Hybrid Tea. Armstrong (USA) 1977... This variety has large, double blooms with 35 petals that are colored deep yellow then age to medium yellow...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 10. Allspice Hybrid Tea, medium yellow, 1977, (AROall); 'Buccaneer' x 'Peace'; Armstrong, D.L. Description.