'MORsixty' rose Reviews & Comments
Diamond Anniversary is nearly thorn free! It has lovely lavender buds and flowers, repeatedly all season. Dark green foliage surrounds this neat and compact plant which grows well in pots and in the garden. This is the perfect plant to celebrate your special anniversary.
Does anyone know where I can purchase a 'Diamond Anniversary' miniature rose? The only two sources I have found online are dead ends. ><> Marsha <><
Are you saying the Nursery listings we have for this rose no longer carry it ?
Sequoia Nursery in Visalia, where it was developed by Ralph Moore, closed last spring. Nor'East Nursery in Arroyo Grande does not list it as currently being available. I am in the process of checking to see if it will be available in the future sometime. > Marsha
Thank you Marsha. We have updated the Ralph Moore listing. We had delayed updating that listing as there was some question about selling off inventory.
Please let us know what you find out and we will update HelpMeFind. We are immensely grateful to have our site guests participate in keeping the site current and accurate - thanks again.
Pickering Nurseries in Ontario carries it.
Initial post
30 MAY 08 by
Unregistered Guest
Available from - Alex Foster alex.foster@anheuser-busch.com
Can you tell us more about Alex Foster ? Is this a nursery we are missing from HMF ?
Initial post
16 APR 08 by
Unregistered Guest
Does anyone know where I may purchase the Diamond Anniverary mini rose? Thanks for your help. Ann
Have you contacted the nurseries listing on the BUY FROM tab ?
#2 of 2 posted
17 APR 08 by
Unregistered Guest
Thank you for your interest. Before even posting my request, I had called Sequoia nursery. The owner is finally retiring at age 101 and has already sold his plants, etc. to a new buyer. They only had the Diamond Anniversary mother plant and it belongs to the new owner. There were no Diamond Anniv. plants or cuttings for sale at Sequoia and they were unable to recommend anyone that may have it. The only other Buy From place i saw on the site was Cottage Farms and I called repeatedly but kept getting a busy signal. I will try calling Cottage Farms again on thurs. Do you have any other leads for me?