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— * —
Rose (private) Garden. 925 plants listed. 1 photo. USDA zone 7b.
8 favorite votes.
— A —
Rose, peony and clematis (private) Garden. 482 plants listed. 128 photos. USDA zone 5b.
68 favorite votes. Average rating:
Rose (member) Garden. 119 plants listed. 3 photos. USDA zone 10b.
7 favorite votes.
Rose (member) Garden. 160 plants listed. 54 photos. USDA zone 5a.
57 favorite votes.
Rose, peony and clematis (public) Garden. 46 plants listed. 7 photos.
12 favorite votes. Average rating:
Rose (member) Garden. 104 plants listed. 55 photos.
11 favorite votes.
Rose (member) Garden. 836 plants listed. USDA zone 9a.
13 favorite votes.
Rose and clematis (member) Garden. 209 plants listed. 35 photos.
39 favorite votes.
— B —
Rose and peony (public) Garden. 1161 plants listed. 9 photos. USDA zone 8a.
11 favorite votes.
Rose and clematis (member) Garden. 484 plants listed. 8 photos.
3 favorite votes.
Rose, peony and clematis (member) Garden. 1718 plants listed. 8386 photos. USDA zone 9a.
73 favorite votes. Average rating:
Rose, peony and clematis (public) Garden. 491 plants listed. 8 photos.
Rose and clematis (member) Garden. 177 plants listed. 18 photos. USDA zone 9a.
33 favorite votes.
Rose and clematis (member) Garden. 597 plants listed. 1 photo. USDA zone 8a.
3 favorite votes.
Rose and peony (public) Garden. 1411 plants listed. USDA zone 8b.
16 favorite votes.
Rose (public) Garden. 121 plants listed.
9 favorite votes.
— C —
Rose (member) Garden. 28 plants listed. 8 photos.
Rose (member) Garden. 498 plants listed. 1 photo.
1 favorite vote.
Rose (member) Garden. 369 plants listed. 368 photos. USDA zone 8b.
48 favorite votes. Average rating:
Rose (member) Garden. 1045 plants listed. 1 photo.
4 favorite votes.
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C - Comments E - Events | I - Introductions J - Journal | L - Plant List M - Promotions | N - Newsletter P - Photos | R - Ratings/Votes T - Notes | V - Favorite |