'Diorama' rose References
Website/Catalog (Jun 1998) Page(s) 70. Includes photo(s).
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 133. Diorama Hybrid Tea, yellow blend, 1965, 'Peace' x 'Beauté'; deRuiter. Description.
Book (Feb 1993) Page(s) 181. Includes photo(s). Diorama Large-flowered hybrid tea. Parentage: 'Peace' x 'Beauté'. The Netherlands 1965. Description and cultivation. Flowers: an intense yellow flushed reddish apricot...
Book (1988) Page(s) 136 (photo) - 137. Includes photo(s). Diorama Description.
Website/Catalog (1982) Page(s) 3. Diorama jaune abricoté. [no longer listed in 1989]
Website/Catalog (1978) Page(s) 11. Includes photo(s). Diorama (De Rujter 1965) Grosse rose d'un délicieux jaune abricot. Rosier de bonne vigueur. Hauteur de végétation : 60/80 cm
Website/Catalog (1976) Page(s) 23. Includes photo(s). DIORAMA (De Ruiter) : jaune chamarré de rouge vif.
Website/Catalog (1972) Page(s) 11. DIORAMA (De Ruiler) Les boutons jaune abricot donnent naissance à une fleur bien double d'une grande beauté et d'un superbe coloris jaune foncé teinté de carmin.
[no longer listed in 1977]
Website/Catalog (1971) Includes photo(s). Diorama
Book (8 Mar 1970) Page(s) 129. Diorama [One of Harry Wheatcroft's selections of the Best Hybrid Teas.] Description... golden apricot, tinged pink... A variety that wasn't seen at its best in trials in Britain, at least in my opinion, but has gone ahead steadily since it came into the lists.