'Duchesse de Rohan' rose References
Newsletter (May 2015) Page(s) 24. Includes photo(s). [From "Suckering Roses Revisited", by Darrell g.h. Schramm, pp. 23-27] Among the Portlands I find four roses that cautiously amble away from home—never far. These are ‘Delambre’ (1863), ‘Duchesse de Rohan’ (1847), ‘Indigo’ (1830), and ‘Rose de Rescht’ (reintroduced in 1949).
Website/Catalog (2000) Page(s) 94. Includes photo(s).
Book (1997) Page(s) 149. ('Duchesse de Rohan', 'Duc de Rohan') c. 1860. Description and vital statistics. Many-petalled flowers fade slightly with age from rich, warm pink to lavender, exuding a charateristically heady, Centifolia perfume, and occasionally repeating, which is, of course, untypical. It could be an early Hybrid Perpetual.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 146. Duchesse de Rohan Hybrid Perpetual, rosy crimson, margined with lilac, ('Duc de Rohan'); Prior to 1848.
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 24. Duchesse de Rohan Damask Perpetual. R. Lévêque, 1847. [Author cites information from different sources.]
Website/Catalog (1983) Page(s) 17. Duchesse de Rohan (Duc de Rohan). (Centifolia type). A vigorous, rather coarse growing rose with superb, many-petalled flowers in the centifolia mould, of fading, lavender-pink. Highly scented. c1860. (R) 5 x 4’.
Book (1936) Page(s) 617. de Rohan, Duch. (HP) ? ? ; lilac-pink, edges tender pink, large, double, susceptible when expanding, growth 8/10.
Book (1899) Page(s) 55. Dchesse de Rohan, HR, rose vif
Website/Catalog (1880) Page(s) 250. Rosiers Portland ou Perpétuels, Rosa Portlandica 849. Duchesse de Rohan. — Grande, pleine, rose foncé bordé lilas.
Book (1880) Page(s) Annex, p. 42. hybrid perpetual, Duchesse de Rohan, vivid pink, edged lighter, large, double, compact.