'Rosa villosa à fleurs semi-doubles' rose References
Book (2000) Page(s) 212. Includes photo(s). ‘Duplex’ / ‘Apple Rose’ / Rosa pomifera duplex / R. villosa duplex / ‘Wolley-Dod’s Rose’ – Ancien – Divers – rose moyen. Découvert en 1900 dans le jardin du révérend Wolley-Dod, dans le Cheshire, ce rosier est la forme double de Rosa pomifera, espèce à feuillage gris bien connue pour ses énormes fruits ronds en automne, rouge vif et hérissés de poils… Vibert, France, avant 1838. Rosa pomifera * rosier de jardin inconnu.
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 212. Includes photo(s).
Book (1995) Page(s) 178. Includes photo(s).
Book (Nov 1994) Page(s) 85. Includes photo(s). 'Wolley-Dod' Rosa villosa 'Duplex, R. pomifera 'Duplex' Wolley-Dod's Rose is undoubtedly a hybrid between R. villosa and a tetraploid garden rose, according to the chromosome count. The figure in Willmott's Genus Rose was from the Revd Wolley-Dod's garden....That this plant was an original seedling is not recorded by her, but semi-double forms were known earlier, witness two other plates cited.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 148. Duplex. Miscellaneous Old Garden Roses, medium pink, (R. pomifera duplex; 'Wolley-Dod's Rose'); Chance garden hybrid of R. pomifera x Unidentified garden rose; Vibert, prior to 1838. Description.
Website/Catalog (1985) Page(s) 37. Pomifera Duplex..... 6 x 5’.
Book (2 Jan 1984) Page(s) 76. Rosa mollis, 'Duplex' [R. pomifera f. duplex (West), Rehd., R. villosa duplex (West), 'Wolley-Dod's Rose'] Before 1771. Description... This rose was found in the garden of Rev. Wolley-Dod at Hedge Hall, Chichester, in Great Britain. It is probably a cross between a species rose and a horticultural variety.
Website/Catalog (1982) Page(s) 30. Pomifera Duplex ‘Wolley-Dod’s Rose’. Semi-double clear pink with grey-green foliage. Obscure origin. H. W. Shade tolerantf. (S) 8 x 6’.
Website/Catalog (1982) Page(s) 34. Rosa pomifera (Rosa villosa) Apple Rose. Vigorous shrub with bluish green leaves. Fragrant when crushed. Fruits outstandingly large, crimson and apple-shaped. Clear pink single flowers. Int. 1771. W. F. (S) 6 x 5’.
Book (1981) Page(s) 261. R. villosa L. 'Duplex' 'Wolley Dod's Rose' In England known before 1770 as R. villosa var. duplex Weston but later distributed by the Rev. Wolley-Dod, Edge Hall, Chechester.