'Chaplin's Pink' rose References
Book (2000) Page(s) 154. ‘Chaplin’s Pink Climber’ = Grimpant à grandes fleurs… longues tiges flexibles… gros bouquets de fleurs rose vif… 24 pétales menus… robuste grimpant à l’abondant feuillage vert franc, un peu sensible à l’oïdium… Chaplin, UK, 1928.
Book (2000) Page(s) 155. Includes photo(s). 2 photos
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 85. Large-flowered Climber, medium pink, 1928, 'Paul's Scarlet Climber' x 'American Pillar', Chaplin Bros. Description.
Book (1993) Page(s) 125. Includes photo(s). ('Chaplin's Pink Climber', 'Chaplin's Pink') One of the most free-flowering of all the Ramblers. Chaplin (Britain) 1967. ('Paul's Scarlet' x 'American Pillar').
Book (May 1992) Page(s) 68, 315. Includes photo(s). Page 68: [PHOTO] 'Chaplin's Pink' growing at the Garden of the Rose, St. Albans, Hertfordshire Page 315: [PHOTO] Chaplin's Pink ('Chaplin's Pink Climber') Chaplin Bros. (UK) 1928. 'Paul's Scarlet' x 'American Pillar'... its main characteristics are derived from R. wichuraiana. Glossy, mid-green foliage... Flowers semi-double, bright, startling pink, accentuated by yellow stamens...
Book (1988) Page(s) 81. Includes photo(s). Description
Website/Catalog (1986) Page(s) 48. Chaplin’s Pink.....somewhat bright.
Website/Catalog (1986) Page(s) 48. Chaplin’s Pink.....somewhat bright.
Website/Catalog (1983) Page(s) 14. Chaplin’s Pink..... Deserves much more attention.
Article (website) (1982) Page(s) 12. Chaplin’s Pink (Climber). Semi-single bright pink, vigorous and healthy. 1928. (S) 12 x 8’.