Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 16. Hybrid Tea, nasturium-red, edges lighter, reverse orange-yellow, 'Charles P. Kilham' x 'Condesa de Sástago'; Meilland, F.
Website/Catalog (1960) Page(s) 11. AMPERE (Meilland 1937). Bicolore rouge capucine, revers des pétales jaune orange retouché de carmin. FL [feuillage luisant].
[no longer listed in 1975]
Book (1958) Page(s) 10. Ampère. HT. (F. Meilland, '37.) Charles P. Kilham X Condesa de Sástago. Very large, dbl., very fragrant, nasturtium-red, edges lighter, reverse orange-yellow. Fol. bright green.
Website/Catalog (1953) Includes photo(s). Ampère
Website/Catalog (1946) Page(s) 15. P[ernetiana] AMPERE (Meilland 1937). Fleur bicolore rouge capucine, revers des pétales jaune orange retouché de carmin, beau feuillage vernissé.
Website/Catalog (1940) Page(s) 25. We can also supply the following varieties: Ampere
Book (1939) p23. Harry H. Hazlewood. The New Roses of 1939. A new and youthful raiser from France, Mons. Meilland, supplies Ampere, HT. (1937) with typical short Pernetiana buds, opening to red and yellow blooms. The growth is good and the flowers very fragrant, but it will need to improve to remain in the list.
p110. Mr Allen A. Brundrett. A Review of the New Roses in Victoria Ampere, H.T. (Meillnd).—A pale, but attractive, bi-colour (red and yellow) on good hardy growth, but flowers very flat (short petaled).
Website/Catalog (1939) Page(s) 35. New Roses 1939. Ampere (HT. Meilland 1937) Shapely buds borne on strong stems and opening into a large double deliciously fragrant, cup shaped flower of a very attractive bicolour; capucine red on the inside, paler towards the edges, while the reverse is orange-yellow, coloured with carmine. Growth is very vigorous and floriferous. 4/- each. Typical short buds of the Pernets. Will need to improve in growth.
Website/Catalog (1938) Page(s) 6. New Roses for 1938 by European and Other Raisers Raisers' Descriptions Ampere (Hybrid Tea) (Meilland).—A very atrractive bicolour. Capucine red on the inside, paler towards the edges, the reverse is orange-yellow, coloured with carmine. The bloom is very large and double, deliciously fragrant, cup shaped and very lasting. The bud is of good shape borne on a long strong stem. Growth is very vigorous and floriferous, furnished with large green foliage. It is unusual for a Rose so large to flower so freely. It has all the qualifications of a first-rate Rose, and stands up to hot weather conditions well. Very favourably received by the experts. Gold Medal, Saverne, 1937. First Certificate, Lyon, 1937.
Magazine (Oct 1937) Page(s) 91. Nouveautés 1937 ... A. MEILLAND, rosiériste, Tassin-les-Lyon (Rhône) Ampère (Francis MEILLAND 1937). - Fleur coloris bicolore très séduisant : l'avers rouge capucine plus pâle sur les bords, le revers jaune orange, rayé, retouché de carmin. Très grande, très pleine, s'ouvrant bien par tous temps, délicieusement parfumée. Fleurs coupées durant très longtemps. Le bouton est de bonne tenue sur pédoncule long et fort. Arbuste très vigoureux et florifère, peu épineux, à beau feuillage très ample vert franc. Le feuillage et floraison abondante en font une rose à massif de tout premier ordre, plus estimée encore par les connaisseurs qui apprécient son coloris plus foncé par temps chaud. Premier Certificat au Concours de la Plus Belle Rose de France 1937. Médaille d'or à Saverne 1937.