'E. Veyrath Hermanos' rose References
Newsletter (Mar 2019) Page(s) 26. Includes photo(s). [From "‘E. Veyrat Hermanos’ - A Rose and a Lineage", by Inés Díaz de Licandro and Roberto Duato Veyrat, pp. 26-34] On a hot summer day in January, Inés set out on a rose rustling journey in San Carlos, Maldonado, accompanied by two friends. Along the route, they spotted a huge rosebush in among other long-neglected plants that was covered in blooms of a damask color with darker pink central petals. The rather wild but beautiful plant so struck them that they stopped the car and contacted the resident of the garden. He urged them to take photographs as well as to smell the soft and delicious fragrance of the flowers. It was a climbing Tea rose of great vigor and growth, which, Inés thought, should be able to be reproduced very easily from cuttings. Plump buds opened into a very double apricot-yellow and carmine-rose flower. The blossoms seemed to span a myriad of colors depending on how open they were. The whole mass giving the illusion of several plants rather than one. The new growth was tinted bronze-red. Hooked prickles predominated at the base of shoots and some branches were totally smooth and unarmed.....: it was the TeaNoisette ‘E. Veyrat Hermanos’. Rose breeder and landscape architect Luis Carrau confirmed its identity comparing it with a specimen in his garden which had been started from a cutting of a plant that still survives in the Quinta de Vaz Ferreira, in the Prado of Montevideo. Mr Luis Carrau had confirmed the identity of the rose and assured her that it blooms continually throughout the growing season. This rose had been imported to the Rio de la Plata region and distributed by the most important commercial growers: in Uruguay, Domingo Basso S.A., and in Argentina, by Vicente Peluffo’s nursery. It was offered in Domingo Basso S.A. catalogs starting in 1906-07 and for most years until 1935.....
Magazine (2019) Page(s) 49. Vol 41, No. 1. Includes photo(s). Margaret Furness. Tea, Noisette and China Mislabels in Australia. Mme Bérard in commerce here is the house-eating E. Veyrat Hermanos. See BAON 19 for an article on the rose and the Veyrat Brothers nursery.
Book (2011) Page(s) 77. Includes photo(s). Liesbeth Cooper. DNA Results of Bermuda Mystery Roses. "Sunset" (Bermuda Mystery Climber). The sample is identical to 'E. Veyrat Hermanos', an 1895 rose bred by Bernaix.
Photo "Sunset" by Susan Swift.
Magazine (2005) Page(s) 11. Vol 27, No. 3.. Includes photo(s). "Mrs. Griffiths' Rose". Editor's note: when we consulted the Tea Rose Group about "Mrs. Griffiths", they recognised it as the Climbing Tea rose 'E. Veyrat Hermanos' (Bernaix 1894)' which is available in some Australian nurseries today under the name of 'Mme. Berard'.
Book (15 Oct 2001) Page(s) 97. Marijke Peterich. The Preservation of Old Garden Roses in Bermuda. "Sunset", another mystery climber. A very strong climber. Leaves are medium green and stems are nearly thornless. Clusters of pink buds open to fully-double apricot-pink blooms, which deepen to a rich pink. It is repeat flowering. Of late, Mrs. Leisbeth Cooper and I are thinking it might be 'E. Veyrat Hermanos' and if any of you know this rose please give me your opinion.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 169. E. Veyrat Hermanos Climbing Tea, apricot and carmine-pink, reflexes violet-rose, 1895, ('E. Veyrath Hermanos'; 'Pillar of Gold'); Bernaix, A. Description.
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 210. E. Veyrat Hermanos ('Pillar of Gold') Tea. Bernaix, 1894. The author cites information from different sources... a beautiful color of sulphur enhanced by apricot pink and washed with a light tint of carmine... apricot-yellow and rose...
Book (1991) Page(s) 210. E. Veyrat Hermanos ('Pillar of Gold') Bernaix, 1894. Tea. [Author cites several sources.]
Website/Catalog (1961) Page(s) 22, 31. p. 22: E. VEYRAT HERMANOS (Bernaix 1895). Thé Grimpant bicolore abricot et rose pleine. RT [Rosiers Grimpants susceptibles de remonter].
p. 31: E. VEYRAT HERMANOS (Bernaix 1895). Bicolore abricot et rose, pleine. RT [Rosiers Grimpants susceptibles de remonter].
Website/Catalog (1960) Page(s) 28. E. VEYRAT HERMANOS (Bernaix 1895). Bicolore abricot et rose, pleine. RT [Rosiers Grimpants susceptibles de remonter].