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'Enchantress' rose References
Website/Catalog  (12 Dec 2019)  Includes photo(s).

Enchantress 1904.  4 to 6 feet.  Z 7-11. R Fr dp.  The very double flowers of 'Enchantress' are dark rose-pink that fade to near crimson, with just a touch of bright yellow hidden at the petal’s base. The bush is sturdy and upright, with full, neatly shaped foliage. The freely-produced flowers have a pleasant, cool fragrance that makes an interesting contrast with the warm color. It is said that the color of this rose is "enchanting."

Newsletter  (Jun 2009)  
Claude Graves, Curator Chambersville Heritage Rose Garden.  Texas Teas.
The original planting of 30 Tea Roses consisted of the more common and easily obtained varieties. Most of these original roses were obtained from Mike Shoup at the Antique Rose Emporium in Brenham, Texas, and Mark Chamblee of Chamblee Roses in Tyler, Texas…… Included in this article is a sidebar listing the Tea Roses in the Chambersville Tea collection. Some of the most interesting roses in the garden are among the many found roses. Texas is the home of the Texas Rose Rustlers, who were among the first groups in the United States to begin an organized effort to find and preserve the rapidly disappearing “old” roses. In honor of the Texas Rose Rustlers the Chambersville Heritage Rose Garden includes a collection of many of the roses found in Texas. This focus on found roses has been expanded to include numerous found roses among the Tea and China rose collections beyond those just found in Texas.
Enchantress. 1904. Cook, J. W.
Book  (2007)  Page(s) 145.  
Enchanter, HT, dp, 1903, [Mme Caroline Testout x Mille Alice Furon], Cook, J. W. ... description
Newsletter  (Aug 2001)  Page(s) 6. Vol 26, No. 3.  
Chuck Greening, Maryland, has a "current passion for collecting the Cook & Son roses" and requests information about John Cook, a turn-of-the-century Maryland rose hybridizer.  He wants to user the roses in an existing memorial garden in Baltimore, and to give them to cousins on his mother's side who are related to Johbn Cook and his son, Thomas.....He would like sources for the following Cook roses that have disappeared from commerce:
Enchanter (HT, 1903)
Enchantress (Tea, 1904)
Website/Catalog  (2000)  Page(s) 65.  
Enchantress T rrr / fff. 1. J. Cook 1904 [Provenance: Antique Rose Emporium]   Some describe this as rose-pink, which I find quite inadequate and misleading.  It is claret-rose to rosy-lilac, reversed lilac, cupped and swirled, flat, domed. 
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 398.  
Enchanter Hybrid Tea. J. Cook 1903. Parentage: 'Mme. Caroline Testout' x 'Mlle. Alice Furon' (HT). The author cites information from different sources... light pink...
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 160.  
Enchanter Hybrid Tea, Flowers deep pink [dp], 1903, 'Mme. Caroline Testout' x 'Mlle. Alice Furon'; Cook, J. Flowers deep pink. 
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 160.  
Enchantress T (OGR) mp, 1904, Cook, J. Flowers rose-pink.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 238.  
Enchanter (HT) J. Cook 1904; Testout X Alice Furon; reddish light pink, large, double, fine form, floriferous, growth 6/10, upright. Sangerhausen
Book  (1925)  Page(s) 180.  
Lewis Levy,  Spotting The Winners.
'Mrs James Williamson'  (HT), Hugh Dickson.  A vigorous and fairly free blooming Rose of a pale 'Enchantress' pink colour.  The blooms are large  but rather too heavy for the strength of the stems.  I find the colour rather washy and dull. 
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