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'Souvenir de Georges Pernet' rose References
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 488-489, 559.  
Pages 488-489: Souvenir de Georges Pernet Translation: "In Memory of Georges Pernet". Pernetiana. Pernet-Ducher 1921. Unnamed variety x 'Mme. Édouard Herriot'. [The author cites information from many sources...] Cochineal carmine red... Orient red... Deep salmon-pink... Pink, slightly tinted with yellow... coral-red... To produce its most perfect tones, it must have partial shade, and it needs much spraying to precent black-spot, but it is worth it... [named] in memory of his youngest son whom he lost during the World War
Page 559: Souvenir de Georges Pernet Pernetiana. Joseph Pernet-Ducher 1922
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 565.  
Souv. de Georges Pernet Hybrid Tea, medium salmon-pink, 1921, Seedling x 'Mme. Edouard Herriot'; Pernet-Ducher. Description.
Book  (1993)  Page(s) 114.  
A climbing Hybrid Tea. Pernet-Ducher (France) 1927... Named for one of Joseph Pernet's (Pernet-Ducher) sons who was killed in the First World War.
Book  (1967)  Page(s) 64.  Includes photo(s).
Souvenir de Georges Pernet (H.T., Pernet-Ducher 1920) - This already older variety has successfully survived the years. Its habit is short; she is suitable for group planting.
Website/Catalog  (1966)  Page(s) 23.  
SOUVENIR DE GEORGES PERNET Grandes fleurs parfumées rouge d'Orient. H. 0,60/ 0,80 m.

[no longer listed in 1970]
Website/Catalog  (1960)  Page(s) 13.  
SOUVENIR DE GEORGES PERNET (Pernet Ducher 1920). Rose d'Orient ombré de jaune, coloris vif.  VB [végétation basse]
Book  (1958)  Page(s) 384.  
Souv. de Georges Pernet. HT. (Pernet-Ducher, '21.) Unnamed variety X Mme. Edouard Heriot. Large, full (31 petals), globular, very fragarnt, Oriental red, shaded yellow, tipped carmine. Fol. dark, bronzy. Vig. (28) Bagatelle Gold Medal, '21.
Book  (1947)  Page(s) 129.  
Souv. de Georges Pernet (Garden & Decorative)  A Pernetiana which grows strongly, even in Sydney.  Blooms are a delightful shade of orient red, unusual; quite large and full. It is a free flowering variety.  Many large thorns and red stems. A.H.M. Mts. P.S.  Fragrant. Habit 3. (Pernetiana)
Book  (1947)  Page(s) 242.  Includes photo(s).
Souvenir de Georges Pernet (Pernetiana) has high-centred double flowers of spiral shape and of deep carmine-pink with a yellow base, borne upon strong stems from lusty plants with erect and branching growth and deep bronze-green foliage. Pernet-Ducher 1931....Vigorous. Moderately fragrant...June-Sept. Hardy.
Website/Catalog  (1946)  Page(s) 24.  
P[ernetiana]. — SOUVENIR DE GEORGES PERNET (Pernet Ducher 1920). Fleur d'un superbe coloris rose d'Orient, extrémité des pétales carmin de cochenille, ensemble de la fleur ombré de jaune.
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