'AUSbuff' rose Reviews & Comments
Available from - K&M Nursery https://www.kandmroses.com/
Available from - Teo Joo Guan Horticulture 106 Sungei Tengah Road, Singapore 698988
Syn.'Ausbuff, 'Schloss Gluecksburg' Rosa Inglese a cespuglio, Gruppo Antica Ibrida, a portamento eretto, compatto, vigoroso e benr amificato. Foglie verde intenso. Fiori grandi, a coppa, rosa chiaro/bianco, sfumati giallo/albicocca tenue al centro. Fragranza intensa e fruttata, di thè. Rifiorente, rustica. H.90cm L.75cm. Tra le più affidabili Rose Inglesi a crescita bassa. Ideale x fiori da taglio. (ROSACEAE) (David C.H.Austin, David Austin Roses Ltd., UK, 1986)
Initial post
5 JUN 07 by
Unregistered Guest
I recently saw this rose growing at a Vanderbilt Home in Centreport, NY. The flowers were lovely, well formed and delicately colored.
I would like to know from those who have this rose what their experience has been with disease resistance / susceptibilty with regard to black spot, and pests.
#1 of 3 posted
28 AUG 07 by
Dear rose lover,
I have grown English Garden for several years now, moved it once, but I'm still not enthusiastic. It is said that this is an excellent garden plant, healthy and reliable. It gets blackspot anyway. I admit it looks good for bedding, but to me it's too thin (few leaves). It stays low (a little over 2 feet). I don't like the fact that it has only a little scent. It reblooms quite well, though. If you like this particualr colour, I'd go for Jayne Austin, which has a glorious scent and the same colour. Jayne has a little less filled flower and twice the hight, but makes a mucht better bush. Health is about the same.
#2 of 3 posted
28 AUG 07 by
Unregistered Guest
Thank you for sharing your experience with this rose. Since there are several on my "possibilities" list, I will focus on them. I appreciate your info about Jayne Austin and will look into that. Adding a new rose is a studied matter because the space I have is limited.
This website is a treasure in that is helps us "out in the hinterlands" to share experiences and knowledge.
I have had excellent results with English Garden. In my coastal California garden, where blackspot, rust and mildew are enough to make most gardeners simply give up on roses, English Garden has little trouble. It can show just a touch of powdery mildew if we have a very wet, foggy August, but I have not had any trouble with black spot and the plant seems immune to rust (which will defoliate plants like Abraham Darby).
My plant has grown to about 4' and flowers quite regularly. The flower color is somewhat variable, depending on the temperature, showing more pink when it's warmer, more yellow when it's cool. No matter the color, the flowers are always lovely and make excellent cut flowers.