'Eponine' rose References
Book (2007) Page(s) 213. Eponine. (Breeder unknown., -1835) Mk. Creamy white.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 162. Eponine Hybrid Musk, white. Description.
Book (1990) Page(s) 111. Eponine Hybrid Musk. Description... white flowers which are strongly fragrant.
Magazine (Sep 1881) Page(s) 133. Nomenclature des Rosiers Grimpants Rosa moschata. Variétés modernes cultivées. Éponine: moyenne double en coupe blanc pur.
Book (1866) Page(s) 170. The Musk Rose. Rosa Moschata.
Eponine has pure white flowers, very double.
Book (1858) Page(s) 285. Musk Roses.-- The Musk Rose stands pretty well here, in a warm, dry situation, but, in wet ground, rather tender. In the latitude of Long Island, Mr. Parsons says it is quite hardy, having a plant of the old White Musk, that has braved the severity of more than twenty winters, in his grounds. "It has already, this season, made shoots of more than six feet; and in our Southern States more than double the growth would probably be attained." It produces its flowers in large clusters. We are familiar with the old white cluster, which commences flowering late, and continues till cold weather. Other fine varieties are, Eponine, and Princess of Nassau.
Website/Catalog (1853) Page(s) 15. Autumnal Roses. Musk Roses. 1. Eponine—pure white, blooms in very large clusters
Book (1848) Page(s) 150. Rosa moschata. The Musk Rose. 4. Eponine; flowers pure white; form, cupped.
Book (1847) Page(s) 262. MUSK ROSES. The two best varieties, however, are the following: Eponine is a cupped and very double variety, with the peculiar musk fragrance. It is pure white, and a very pretty rose.
Book (1837) Page(s) 86. The Musk Rose. Rosa moschata. Eponine is a pure, white, and very double variety, one of the prettiest of the group.