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"Wretham Rose" References
Website/Catalog  (15 May 2021)  Includes photo(s).
Wretham Rose. Old rose fuchsia pink, large very full cupped old-fashioned flowers, fragrant, 5' - 6', non-recurrent. Propagated on hardy Rosa Multiflora rootstock. All roses have been grown and tended in our family-owned rose nursery.  Centifolia, Historic rose.  Fragrant. Deep,pink.  Breeder Hoellering 1997. Height 5-6’. Bushy.  Bloom size large. Very full.  UsDA 4d-9d. 
Book  (1997)  Page(s) 155.  Includes photo(s).
Centifolia. Introduced by Beales (UK) 1997. Chance seedling. Description and vital statistics. It is very double, glowing carmine red, almost cerise in some lights... Discovered in the gardens of Wretham Lodge by Michael Coates, Anne Hoellering's gardener, growing wild in an ancient hedgerow.
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