'Rosa X pimpinellifolia 'Double White'' rose References
Magazine (2021) Page(s) 64. Vol 43, No. 4. Gail Yellowley. Southern Tasmania Regional Report. At a meeting at Leonie’s historic house/garden in Mount Stuart......There were also two unusual Spinosissimas on the table, Double White and Lisa......
.....The third garden, in Strathblane, is a well-established rambling country garden created many years ago by Astrid Careless and catalogued by Jacob Ikareth, a relatively new HRA member with considerable experience of heritage roses.....Spinosissimas (including Single Cherry and the rare Double White,)
Newsletter (Sep 2018) Page(s) 14 No. 18. Peter D. A. Boyd. Scots Roses And Related Cultivars Of Rosa Spinosissima. Some names, such as Double White.....
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 206. Double White ('Double White Burnet', 'Elegans', Rosa spinosissima) Scots. Pre-1800. Description... There are some problems with the name of this rose as it is easily used to describe other plants, especially 'Alba Maxima'... double, sometimes semi-double, white blossoms which are loosely cupped...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 143. Double White Burnet Hybrid Spinosissima, white. Description.
Book (1993) Page(s) 63. Includes photo(s). [Listed under "Wild Roses and Their Cultivars"] an old variety of 'Scotch Rose'. Once blooming.
Article (website) (1982) Page(s) 11. Burnet Double White (spinosissima) “Scotch Rose”. Early flowers borne in abundance on the whole length of the arching branches. Small round blackish heps in late Autumn. Pre 1650. • H. (S) 4 x 4.
Book (1936) Page(s) 216. Double White (Pompon centifolia) ? ? ; pure white, semi-double to double
Double White (pimpinellifolia) in Scotland ? ; white, 4 cm, lightly filled, cup form, solitary or up to 4, growth 6/10, bushy.
Magazine (24 Jun 1916) Page(s) 1506. The Scotch Roses All the varieties have a shrubby, compact habit of growth, with heavily-spined wood, the height, varying from about 6 inches to 8 feet, according to the sort. Some of the smallest in growth would make real gems for the rock garden... Other varieties might be placed in the background of the rock garden, for even when the bloom is over they form graceful shrubs. In such a position we might place the Double White Scotch, to my mind the sweetest of the lot, the pretty little snow-white blossoms being very neat and fairly full, lasting on the plant longer than those of most other varieties. There is also the single white.
Website/Catalog (1913) Page(s) 71. Includes photo(s). Scotch Roses. The Scotch Roses, the charming derivatives of Rosa spinosissima, are characterized by excessive spininess and fine, dense foliage. They thrive literally without cultivation and prosper in almost any kind of soil. The bushes grow in low, compact form, each plant resembling a huge bouquet when in full bloom. The blossoming usually takes place in June, but some of the hybrids may flower at intervals throughout the summer. The blossoms of the Scotch Roses are beautiful in form and are seldom darker in color than pink or deep rose. The fragrance is sweet and pleasing. Several varieties are adapted for border planting because of their dwarf size and the density of the bush. They are also used in many instances for rockeries as well as hedges, or for marking division lines between properties. The varieties here described are those whose virtues have been developed to a point where the plants can be recommended. Each is of known merit in its peculiar field. Double White. The blossoms of the Double White Scotch Rose are much imbricated and fragrant. The plant is of low growth, and admirably suited for hedges, or for planting near the sea, where it thrives with wonderful vigor and bears its dainty flowers in profusion in spite of sandy soil, salty air or lack of attention.
Book (1906) Page(s) 49. 3.209. Double white, Pimprenelle, (Ecosse), blanc