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'Rosa pimpinellifolia 'Double Pink'' rose References
Article (website)  (1982)  Page(s) 11.  
Burnet Double Pink (spinosissima) as above [Burnet Double White] except for colour.  (S) 4 x 4’. 
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 99.  
In 1793, Robert Brown of Perth and his brother transplanted some of the wild Scotch roses from the Hill of Kinnoul in the neighbourhood of Perth into their nursery garden; one of these bore flowers slightly tinted with red from which a plant...
Book  (1906)  Page(s) 49.  
3.201. Double pink, Pimprenelle, (Ecosse), rose
Book  (1902)  Page(s) 150.  
Race des Rosiers Pimprenelle
5606. Double pink... (Écosse)... rose.
Book  (1843)  Page(s) 454.  
Rosier pimprenelle. Rosa pinpinellifolia.
Pimprenelle à fleurs roses, semi-doubles.
Book  (1839)  Page(s) 217.  
Garden Varieties
I. spinosissima.
50  double pink
Book  (1832)  Page(s) 568.  
The following are the names of the Garden varieties of the Scotch Rose.
Double Scotch Roses
double pink blush.
Book  (1826)  Page(s) 707.  
Rosa spinosissima....Variétés ... Dans la seconde section de cette espèce, dont les pédoncules et les calices sont nus , Pimprenelle à fleurs semi-doubles carnées.
Website/Catalog  (1825)  Page(s) 54.  
Rosa. Non classées.
à feuille de pimprenelle (rose semi-double).
Magazine  (1822)  Page(s) 294-295.  
[From "Descriptions and Account of the Varieties of Double Scotch Roses, cultivated in the Gardens of England. By Joseph Sabine, Esq. F. R. S. &c. Secretary, p. 281-305]
The Double Pink Blush. this was obtained from Mr. George Anderson, who procured it from Scotalnd. I have never observed it in the nurseries. It is one of the earliest in blossom; it has thick and short peduncles armed with setae, and a semi-globose germen. The bud is pink; the flower semi-double, and not large; the petals are of an uniform pink, or flesh colour, which pervades the whole, except the claws, the backs are somewhat paler; the colour goes off a little after the flower has been some time opened; but it does not become ultimately white. The fruits are numerous, black, and compressed.
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