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'Souvenir de François Gaulain' rose References
Newsletter  (Feb 2015)  Page(s) 5.  
Quite rare is ‘Souvenir de Francois Guilain’, bred by Guillot, another large, full, but fuchsia-colored tea. It belongs with a small group of red, dark crimson, and wine-colored tea roses that also tend to droop.
Book  (2003)  Page(s) 153.  
Obtentions de J-B. Guillot fils
1889. Souvenir de François Gaulain (T) et fils
Book  (Dec 2000)  Page(s) 216.  
Souvenir de François Gaulain Tea. Guillot & fils 1889. [w/E. Verdier]
Website/Catalog  (1986)  Page(s) 39.  
Souvenir de Francois Gaulain (Tea) Loose flowers of violet-red on weak necks in Typical Tea fashion.  Foliage rather sparse.  Growth twiggy but compact.  1889.  (R) 3 x 2’. 
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 291.  
Gaulain, Souv. de François (tea) Guillot 1889; color varies from magenta red, shaded violet to dark violet, shaded crimson, large, well double, fine form, growth 7/10
Book  (1912)  Page(s) 232.  

Red Tea Roses.
Souvenir de François Gaulain. — Velvety red.  Large, full and perfectly double.  Vigorous, free and constant.

Magazine  (1910)  Page(s) 137.  
[From a talk held by Pierre Guillot at the Rosarian's Congress in Nantes - translated in "The Old Rose Advisor, Vol. I, p. 101ff]
...Par ses descendants elle [Caroline] produisit trois variétés distinctes: Souvenir de David d'Angers, éditée en 1856 par Robert, Comtesse de Labarthe, par Bernède, en 1857, Madame Damaizin, par Damaizin en 1858.....Souvenir de David d'Angers et la plupart des variétés se distinguient par une végétation plutôt inclinée, tandis qu'elle est dressée pour les deux autres. Le caractèristique de leur coloris varie du rouge vif au rouge cramoisi foncé et rouge lie de vin. Ses meilleurs variétés sont: ....Souvenir de Fr. Gaulain...
Website/Catalog  (1908)  Page(s) 21.  Includes photo(s).
Souvenir de Francois Gaulain
A Magnificent Sort
This is an ideal rose having merit of a high order.  In our open ground trials the past year it bloomed from the time it was planted until severe frost; its earliness and constancy stamp it as a rose of great value to the amateur or home grower.  In growth it is strong and healthy, with large, handsome foliage that remains on the plant until the first frost comes.  The color is unusually bright and indeed is quite remarkable for a Tea Rose- rich, velvety crimson; the flowers are exceedingly fragrant, large, full and very double, possessing a depth that makes their color all the more striking; quite hardy.  We recommend this as one of the finest.  Price, 15 cents each; two year old plants, 30 cents each.
Website/Catalog  (1907)  Page(s) 41.  
Souvenir de F. Gaulain (Guillot fils 1890) red, shaded violet [No longer in 1911 catalogue].
Website/Catalog  (1903)  Page(s) 62.  
Souvenir de Francois Golain  Deep rose, shaded magenta.
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