'Duke of Connaught' rose References
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 147. Duke of Connaught Hybrid Perpetual, red blend, 1875, Paul. Description.
Book (1936) Page(s) 168. of Connaught, Duke (HP) G. Paul 1877; Maur. Bernardin X ?; bright velvety crimson, shaded fire-red, large, double, globular, drooping, fine habit, fragrance 5/10, straight prickles, bright foliage, strong straight branches, growth 7/10, hardy. (Adam X L. van Houtte?) [parentage of 'Duke of Connaught' by Bennett] . Sangerhausen
Magazine (3 Jun 1911) Page(s) 266. The Parentage of Roses. The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it... Duke of Connaught... Hybrid Perpetual, G. Paul, 1876, Seedling Maurice Bernardin
Book (1910) Page(s) 283. Duke of Connaught Hybrid Perpetual; flowers velvety-crimson, flushed with red, of medium size.
Magazine (5 Mar 1904) Page(s) 166. "Forgotten Roses." It is not surprising that owing to the numerous new Roses many of the excellent older sorts have been crowded out. Beautiful as the Hybrid Teas unquestionably are, I think it will be a bad day for lovers of the Rose if they allow this group to drive out of cultivation many old and well-tried varieties of other classes that are too good to suffer extinction. I often wish there were a National Rose Garden, where every variety could be planted, so that rosarians could see for themselves the true value of each. How some of our much-praised Roses would have to give place to those less known but better, at least in the matter of "doing well" and in point of colour. I append a list of a few varieties that are comparatively unknown, yet I can recommend every one with the full assurance that they would please the majority of the readers of The Garden. Among what are regarded as climbing Roses not one of the Rambler race can surpass. A few good Hybrid Perpetuals will conclude my list. Foremost among these I may name Duke of Connaught. It is one of the most beautiful, with its crimson velvety shaded buds. It is a first-rate Rose for buttonholes.
Website/Catalog (1889) Page(s) 56. Hybrid Perpetuals. Duke of Connaught rich velvety crimson, a very free bloomer.
Book (1885) Page(s) 34. TRIBE ROSEÆ. ROSA, Linn.; Rose. Garden Varieties— Duke of Connaught; hybrid perpetual. Plant in Acclimatisation Society's Grounds, Bowen Park and in Brisbane Botanic Garden.
Book (1882) Page(s) 10. Duke of Connaught... Hybride Perpétuel. Paul et fils. 1876 Cramoisi vif. Fleur moyenne. Plante vigoureuse.
Book (1882) Page(s) 173-4. Duke of Edinburgh Type.—The only English rose which is the head of a type was sent out by George Paul in 1868. The habit of growth is much like that of Jacqueminot, but the foliage is generally longer and larger. The flowers are not permanent in color, burning very quickly in the sun, and are very sparsely produced in the autumn. It is a very beautiful family when grown in a moist, cool climate; but there are few of the members that will do well under our hot sun. The varieties best known, mostly of recent origin, are: Brightness of Cheshunt, Dr. Hooker, Duke of Connaught, Duke of Teck, Robert Marnock, S. Reynolds Hole, Sultan of Zanzibar, The Shah.
Book (1881) Page(s) 314. New Roses. Again, in the autumn of 1875 and spring of 1876, we were met by a formidable array of novelties, and in giving the following list of the best, I am conscious of having dealt leniently with the merits, or rather demerits, of several. Hybrid Perpetuals: Duke of Connaught, velvety crimson...