'Weisse Margot Koster' rose References
Book (Apr 2001) Page(s) 94, 95. Page 94: Weisse Margot Koster see 'White Margo Koster' Page 95: White Margo Koster (Sport of 'Margo Koster') Polyantha 1939. Hybridist?
Book (1990) Page(s) 131. Includes photo(s). Weisse Margot Koster Polyantha 1939. Description. A sport of 'Margot Koster'. Flowers: white, cupped...
Website/Catalog (1978) Page(s) 22. Rosiers Pleureurs Hauteur : 180/200 cm - Sujets à isoler sur pelouses ... Margot Koster ®
Book (1955) Page(s) 116. 'Margo Koster White'. Another sport of the original 'Parisian Rose', this time a white. Occasionally - as is often the case with sports the characteristics of the old Mother-plant strike through, and some of the blooms reveal an orange-red, red or pinkish striping. Tall.