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'G. Amedée Hammond' rose References
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 199.  
G. Amédée Hammond Hybrid Tea, apricot & apricot blend, 1915, Dickson, A. Description.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 328.  
Hammond, G. Amédée (HT) A. Dickson 1915; ivory-yellow, shaded apricot and egg-yellow, fades to tan-brown and soft isabell-colour, medium to large, double, fine form, lasting, in clusters of 2-5, fragrance 7/10, floriferous, continuous bloom, strong stems, growth 5/10, bushy, upright. Sangerhausen
Website/Catalog  (1923)  Page(s) 28.  
Hybrid Tea Roses ....  G. Amedée Hammond (A. Dickson, 1915). Apricot-yellow.
Website/Catalog  (1921)  Page(s) 17.  
G. Amédée Hammond, cadmium or deep apricot egg yolk, shading off to fawn or delicate buff; class: Hybrid Tea; habit of growth: robust.
Magazine  (21 Jul 1917)  Page(s) 285.  
New Roses at Bagatelle ...The value of the awards given at Bagatelle would be more useful if we were favoured with the varieties brought under review. According to a list of kinds said to be planted in 1916 we find the following English varieties : Crimson Chatenay, Gold Star, Red Star, G. Amadee Hammond, Sir Henry Graham, Edward Bohane, Mrs. Maud Dawson and Janet ; so doubtless these have not come up to the Bagatelle standard, although the latter last year received the gold medal of our National Rose Society,
Book  (1914)  Page(s) 154.  
The New Seedling Roses of 1913. By H. E. Molyneux, Hon. Vice-President N.R.S.
The National Rose Society's Awards. Gloucester Show. -- July 15th, 1913.
G. Amedee Hammond (Alex. Dickson & Sons, Ltd.), Gold Medal.—Named after a Vice-President of the Society and a well-known amateur exhibitor. A fine exhibition Rose that can be called yellow- a colour very rare amongst exhibition Hybrid Teas- a good deep yolk of egg centre, shading off to a clear sulphur on the outside of the petals, which are round rather than pointed. A good vigorous grower, fragrant and free. Not yet in commerce.
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