'Max Krause' rose References
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 368. Max Krause Hybrid Tea, yellow blend, 1930, 'Mrs. Beckwith' x 'Souv. de H.A. Verschuren'; Krause. Description.
Book (1947) Page(s) 122. Max Krause (Garden & Show) This is a Pernetiana of good growing qualities and carries large flowers on long stems. Colour, deep reddish orange changing to clear yellow. Should not be forced or blooms may be malformed. A.H.M.Mts.P.S. Fragrant. Habit 3. (Pernetiana)
Book (1947) Page(s) 191. Max Krause (H.T.) has long red-gold buds opening to high-centred very double flowers of clear golden-yellow, borne singly upon long strong stems. The dark green, disease-resistant leaves, borne upon vigorous and erect plants, afford the excellent contrast needed to make it an exceptional rose. Krause 1930...Vigorous. Moderately fragrant.....June-Sept. Hardy.
Book (1946) Page(s) 98. Mr. Charles Frost. The foliage on the Max Krause rose was flawless, it's rich sheen of dark green, being a decided asset to this variety
Website/Catalog (1945) Page(s) 21. 'Max Krause'. Deep reddish orange changing to clear yellow as the bloom opens. Flowers are very large, carrying 50 to 60 petals, and are produced singly on strong stems. Highly recommended. When unduly forced is liable to come quartered.
Website/Catalog (1938) Page(s) 31. Bush Roses Max Krause (Hybrid Tea)... Reddish orange changing to a lighter tone as the bloom ages. Large, full flowers of pointed form. Strong erect growth with good foliage. A very fine variety. Recommended. Introduced 1931.
Website/Catalog (1938) Page(s) 125. Includes photo(s). Max Krause Same photo: 1939, p. 124; 1940, p. 111
Book (1937) Page(s) 162. Krause had a lucky strike in 1929 with three beautiful exhibition which he dedicated to himself and his family: Max Krause, Louise Krause and Edith Krause. these can be grown to magnificent size and form to be sure winners in shows, but they are rather shy bloomers for garden purpose, where continuity of color is more important than individual beauty.
Book (1937) Page(s) 76. Harry H. Hazlewood. Some Better Roses 1930-1936 Max Krause (E): Liable to show quartered blooms when forced, but when right a magnificent deep yellow show bloom.
Website/Catalog (1937) Page(s) 123. Max Krause (Hybrid Tea). Very large and very double bloom, magnificent reddish orange-yellow passing to golden-yellow (5 ga/3 la). Upright and vigorous growth. Very lovely cutting rose... Low garden plants 1 piece RM [Reichsmark] -.50 10 pieces RM 4.50