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'Paul Crampel' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 170-752
most recent 13 days ago HIDE POSTS
Initial post 13 days ago by odinthor
Likely my eye has skipped over something; but I do not see where the imputation that 'Paul Crampel' is a sport of 'Superb' originated. Is the first reference to that parentage indeed from so late as 1996?

Also, you have the Peter Beales catalog in your References as from 1935.
Discussion id : 117-699
most recent 19 JUL 19 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 JUL 19 by Andrew from Dolton
A bright pink sport on 'Paul Crampel'.
Reply #1 of 4 posted 18 JUL 19 by Patricia Routley
Looks good. I note some dates
1930 ‘Paul Crampel’
1967 ‘Camping’ pink blend sport of ‘Paul Crampel’
2019 ‘Glamping’ is my weak suggestion for an appropriate name for this bright pink modern sport.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 19 JUL 19 by Andrew from Dolton
Interesting. I always wanted to name a rose Irene Elsie after my grandmother but she was very much a floribunda/hybrid-tea rose grower and would not have understood the appeal of a rose like this. The sport is larger growing with bigger flower clusters than 'Paul Crampel' and I thinking 'Glamping' would suit it well.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 19 JUL 19 by Patricia Routley
Am glad you like it Andrew. It was just a bit of silly fun to lighten the day.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 19 JUL 19 by Jay-Jay
Glamping sounds to me better than the in Canada heard term: "Trailer Trash".
A nice finding Andrew!
Discussion id : 111-769
most recent 27 JUN 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 26 JUN 18 by Andrew from Dolton
Sport or reversion? I know these polyantha roses can be unstable but this plant is new this year and I did not expect it to do anything like this in its first season. One shoot is cerise red and just one flower on another is half and half.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 27 JUN 18 by Patricia Routley
Three roses:
Superb 1927 double red . (Either this date, or the 1926 date on the next line is wrong)
Golden Salmon 1926 orange double sport of 'Superb'.
Paul Crampel 1930 orange semi-double sport of 'Superb'.
I have a rose I presumed was the more double 'Golden Salmon' and have placed photos in that file. In the early years here, it showed fascinating colours and I used to look forward every year to see what dress it would put on for that season. As the years have gone it has toned down its wardrobe quite a lot and seems to be mostly orange these days. There is still some variation, but nothing as interesting as it used to be.
Discussion id : 79-959
most recent 16 AUG 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 16 AUG 14 by CybeRose
Journal of Genetics, 1936: p 149
A Biochemical Survey of Factors for Flower Colour
Rose Scott-Montcrieff

Rosa polyantha: An interesting spray of flowers from a sporting Polyantha Rose ("Paul Krampel") was recently sent by Mr R. E. Cooper of the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. While the normal flowers were scarlet two distinct mutations had occurred; one to crimson and the other to a dog-rose pink.

A chemical examination of the pigments involved showed that the normal scarlet flowers were deeply pigmented with pelargonin and some flavone, while in the two sports cyanin took the place of pelargonin, the pale pink flowers having a smaller amount of anthocyanin than either the scarlet or crimson flowers, together with a proportional increase in flavone content. All three types of flowers contained large amounts of tannin.

The mutation from scarlet to crimson thus involves a change in pigment to a more oxidized anthocyanin with a similar 3-5-dimonosidic residue, while the change from scarlet to pink appears also to involve co-pigmentation and a change in the anthocyanin-flavone balance, and is apparently due to a double mutation.
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