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'FRYromeo' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 95-925
most recent 17 NOV 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 17 NOV 16 by Lavenderlace
In my Z8 no-spray, it's way bigger than expected! Very healthy foliage, long lasting peach blooms that don't shatter easily.

UPDATE 7-12-17: I moved two of these in 100 degree heat because they were getting too large. We had to cut a lot of the roots and I worried that they might not make it. They did lose their leaves but came right back and are now covered in blooms again in full blazing sun, same as they were in four hours of sun. Never a hint of blackspot and a pretty peachy pink here. Very tough rose!
Discussion id : 88-673
most recent 13 OCT 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 13 OCT 15 by rosegeek
I bought mine as an own root last year, it's definitely a HT. Single blooms on medium length stems, peachy pink blooms that are very fragrant. The buds open slowly but the blooms last about one week even in the heat(zone 9). Mine is about 3' tall so far and should grow to 5'.

UPDATE 3/11/17:
I've had this rose for three years now and have not encountered one incidence of black spot, I have to spray my other roses for BS but Scent-Sation is a no spray variety. This rose is very low maintenance, I highly recommend this rose for novices and experts.
Discussion id : 12-417
most recent 27 MAY 06 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 MAY 06 by Anonymous-98313
I got this rose from Pickering nursery in Canada via mail-order.  It took a year to settle in, but after that -- STAND BACK.  It is tall, prolific and very disease resistant in my garden, which is located in coastal  Humboldt county, California.  To my nose the scent is moderate, but others may find differently.
Discussion id : 10-585
most recent 30 NOV 05 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 NOV 05 by floralover
have been growing this rose for two years. In my zone 8 garden it is (fortunately) never orange but colors varies between soft apricot and cream. Te bush flowers like a floribunda, always loaded with buds, so if one wants big flowers the bush should be disbudded regularly. In zone 8 Scent-Sation is over 5 feet tall, closer to six feet. The fragrance is strong. It is a good performer.
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