'Wedding.Celebration' rose References
Book (2010) Page(s) 133. Ysanne Horner in collaboration with Heather Horner and Calvin Horner. Not a Flash in The Pan. In Memory of Colin Horner (1933-2005) Horcoffitup was awarded a trial ground certificate in 1999. Paul Chesham Roses introduced it to the United Kingdom as Celebration 2000 and in time for the millennium.....
Book (2004) Page(s) 104. Colin P. Horner. From Pollen to Perfection -The Amateur Way. [Bred by] Colin Horner. Wedding Celebration (UK) 'Rabble Rouser' USA. TGC, RNRS.
Magazine (Feb 2003) Page(s) 38. CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS/DELETIONS 'HORcoffitup', S, dy, 2000, (Celebration 2000; published on page 229 Modern Roses XI. Additional synonym received Rabble Rouser; approved Exhibition Name is Rabble Rouser
Book (19 Apr 2000) Page(s) 229. 'HORcoffitup', S, dy, 1998; (Celebration 2000); description; ((Anytime X Liverpool Echo) X ((Flamenco X Rosa Bella) X Baby Love)); Horner, Colin P.; Paul Chessum Rose Specialist, 1999
Article (magazine) (19 Nov 1998) Page(s) 142. HORcoffitup Shrub, unfading deep yellow, reverse slightly paler, 1998; (Celebration 2000); ['Anytime' x ['Liverpool Echo' x ('Flamenco' x Rosa bella)]] x 'Baby Love'; Horner, Colin P. Description.
Magazine (Jul 1998) Page(s) 33. HORcoffitup ('Celebration 2000'); Shrub, deep yellow; Colin P. Horner.