'Can Can' rose References
Book (2000) Page(s) 140. Includes photo(s). ‘Can-Can’/LEGlow = Hybride de Thé… deux douzaines de pétales ondulés, ceux du cœur assemblés en pointe, ceux du pourtour en jupon volanté, le tout d’un rouge orangé intense, riche et uni, s’éclairant d’or en fin de floraison… rosier bas et étalé… abondant feuillage vert foncé, ample et satiné. LeGrice, UK, 1982.
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 140. Includes photo(s). Can-Can (LEGlow) Hybrid Tea. LeGrice (UK) 1982. Description... deep orange-red... a glint of golden yellow is revealed at the petal base...
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 102-103. Includes photo(s). Can Can (LEGglow) Large-flowered. E.B. LeGrice (England) 1982. Parentage: 'Just Joey' x ('Superior' x 'Mischief'). Description... coral-salmon...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 309. LEGglow Hybrid Tea, orange, 1981, ('Can Can'; 'Can-Can'); 'Just Joey' x ('Superior' x 'Mischief'); LeGrice, E.B. Description.
Book (Feb 1993) Page(s) 176. Includes photo(s). Can Can Large-flowered hybrid tea. Parentage: 'Just Joey' x ('Superior' x 'Mischief') (LEGglow) England 1982. Description. Flowers: large and deep orange-red...
Book (1983) Page(s) 69. E. F. Allen, Awards To New Rose Seedlings In Great Britain In 1982. Can Can (LEGglow) T.G.C. 1981, this was coded LEGgad in my last year's article, apparently in error.
Book (1982) Page(s) 39. E. F. Allen, Awards To Rose Seedlings In Great Britain In 1981. 75/223 LEGgad ('Just Joey' x seedling), an H.T., by LeGrice, with very strongly scented orange vermilion flowers and very broad petals. The blooms contrast well with the copper purple shades of the young foliage. Trial Ground Certificate.
Book (1982) Page(s) 233. E. B. LeGrice (Roses) Ltd. advertisement. 'Can Can' (Legglow). Another winner from LeGrice Awarded a T.G.C. by the R.N.R.S. 1981 this flamboyant orange H.T. with its superbly scented large flowers borne on a neat but vigorous bush attracts instant attention. Parentage 'Just Joey' x ('Mischief' x 'Superior').