'Souvenir de Denier van der Gon' rose References
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 565. Souv. de Denier van der Gon Hybrid Tea, reddish yellow to golden yellow, 1935, 'Roselandia' x 'Souv. de Claudius Pernet'; Verschuren-Pechtold. Description.
Book (1958) Page(s) 383. Souv. de Denier van der Gon.HT. (Verschuren-Pechtold, '35.) Roselandia X Souv. de Claudius Pernet. Bud Long pointed; fl. large, full, fragrant, reddish yellow to golden yellow. Very vig.
Book (1947) Page(s) 129. Souvenir de Denier van der Gon (Garden & Show) Its long pointed buds are carried on long strong stems. Opens to large double blooms; orange yellow changing to golden yellow. Fragrant. Vigorous tall grower and very free in bloom production. A splendid all-purpose rose. Fragrant. Habit 4. (HT)
Book (1946) p39. Frank Penn, N.Z. Decorative and Garden Roses. Souv. de Denier Van der Gon - what a pity it has such a terrible name! This lovely yellow Rose, which grows with exceptionally long stems, is especially valuable for its lasting qualities,
p66. Terry Honeybun, Victoria. Yellow Roses. Growth and Freedom of Blooming: Eclipse, Frank Reader, Lady Hillingdon, Sunburst, Alois Jirasek, Souv. de Denier Van der Gon, and Rex Anderson.
Book (1941) p54. Frank Penn, NZ, The Old and the New. Good yellows: Souv. de Denier Van der Gon (something like Golden Ophelia)
p101. Miss Marjorie Walker, Cooma NSW. Souv. de Denier Van der Gon is a vigorous Rose, a deep yellow with a lovely perfume. It requires a lot of thinning, both in shoots and buds.
Book (1940) p123. Mr S. J. Bisdee. Tasmanian Rose Notes. Souv. de Denier Van der Gon This is doing very nicely. In the cold spring weather it was rather cabbagey and colour was lacking, but when the warm days came along it was all that could be desired.
p125. Mr Frank Mason. The Newer Roses in New Zealand. There is a new Rose with a very long name, Souvenir de Denier van der Gon, which would be more popular if its name was shortened. This is a strong grower with splendid, high pointed, light yellow blooms. It was said to be shaded with red, but so far I have not seen any of this colour. Unfortunately we have not been allowed to import any of the newer Roses for this year and shall have to depend on those that reach us as gifts.
p126. Mr R. T. Hamilton, Vic. Picking Winners Among the New Roses. Souvenir Denier Van der Gon is a disappointment. Poor colour, lacks shape, no perfume to speak of. Its best feature is the vigorous tall growth.
p130. Mr S. H. Bidwell, NZ. Auckland's Roses Souv, de Denier Van der Gon.-Very pleased with this Rose. Stands the hot, dry weather very well.
Book (1939) p112. Mr Frank Penn, NZ. Some of the Newer Sorts. I predict a good future for Souv. de Denier Van Der Gon. (What a pity it has not a more simple name.) The long-pointed buds come on long stems and are a pretty orange yellow. As the blooms last splendidly when picked, this should make an excellent florists' Rose. It reminds me of Golden Ophelia, but is superior in every way.
p115. T. G. Stewart, Vic. New Roses That Have Proved Themselves Souv de Denier van der Gon.- Excellent growth. At present appears to be mainly a decorative type, but has distinct exhibition possibilities when well grown.
p117. Mr C. W. Heers. Roses in Queensland. Souv. de Denier van de Gon is, if anything, an improved Golden Ophelia; its name must prove a handicap in its race for recognition.
p127. Mr S.J. Bisdee. Tasmanian Roses. Van de Gon (for short).- This gave great promise of being an excellent yellow. Delightful in bud; splendid growth and foliage. Looks a winner.
Book (1938) p99. S.R. Bird. Auckland Roses, NZ. Souvenir de Denier Van der Gon is a real find, and promises to supersede Golden Ophelia. The growth is strong and healthy and the blooms stand the heat excellently. A most beautiful soft golden yellow.
p108. John Poulsen, NZ. Roses in the South Island. Souv. de Denier Van Der Gon.- Very vigorous growth, flowering freely. Seems to be an improvement on Golden Ophelia in this climate, and is showing considerable promise.
p122. Mr C. W. Heers. Roses in Queensland Souv. de Denier van der Gon.—A very double medium-sized but well-shaped bloom. Rather like Golden Ophelia in colour and appearance. Quite promising.
Website/Catalog (1938) Page(s) 40. Bush Roses Souvenir de Denier Van Der Gon (Hybrid Tea)... Orange yelllow shaded coppery red, passing to a golden yellow. Large fully double flower of beautiful form and exquisite perfume. The long pointed bud is carried on a very long strong stem. Very vigorous growth with bushy erect habit. Very floriferous. A variety of real merit. Introduced 1936.
Website/Catalog (1938) Page(s) 46. New Roses 1937. Souv. de Denier van der Gon (HT. Verschuren-Pechtold 1935) F. 3. .....A very floriferous variety, promising well for the cut flower market where a good yellow has been wanted for many years. Very highly recommended. E.