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'Atombombe' rose References
Website/Catalog  (2000)  Page(s) 42.  
Floribunda, Atom Bomb, Kordes R., 1953
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 31.  
Atombombe floribunda, deep scarlet-oranfe, 1953, ('Atom Bomb'; 'Atomflash'; 'Velvet Robe'); 'Obergärtner Wiebicke' x 'Independence'; Kordes. Description.
Book  (1955)  Page(s) 20.  
Harry H. Hazlewood. Some New Roses for 1955. 
Atombombe  (Kordes, 1953) (Hybrid Polyantha.) Large flery scarlet fully double blooms borne in large clusters on unusually tall stems up to 3 feet long. What type of final growth will develop remains to be seen, but at present it carries all the indications of becoming a quite tall growing shrub rose. The original description states the bush is very free flowering with long-lasting blooms.
Book  (1955)  Page(s) 110.  
'Atombombe'. Novelty. Polyantha-hybrid. Large double blooms set in very large clusters. The colour is brilliant scarlet without other shadings. The blooms last well. The foliage is healthy and the form well-built-up and shapely. Tall.
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