'Liverpool Daily Post' rose References
Magazine (2013) Page(s) 5. Includes photo(s). Dusky Dancer.....
Website/Catalog (30 Aug 1999) Page(s) 5. Includes photo(s).
Magazine (Jan 1999) Page(s) 34. FRYtrooper (Raven™; 'Daily Post'; 'Dusky Dancer'; 'Karla'; 'Liverpool Daily Post'); Shrub; dark red; Gareth Fryer.
Website/Catalog (1998) Page(s) 11. Includes photo(s).
Website/Catalog Page(s) 14. An intriguing new comer, dark crimson, with a rich velvety texture to the petals. The flowers are small, perfectly formed and borne abundantly in large trusses, completely covering the plant. Growth is bushy, almost shrub-like, 2 to 3 feet high. A very powerful producer with long lasting blooms all summer. Superb for bedding and ornamental hedging, perfect for adding colour to mixed shrubberies and delightful as a cut flower. Awarded a Silver Medal in Rome, 1992.